Korteriühistule: kuidas leida parimat ehitusfirmat

21. märts  Madis Pihelgas. Kommentaarid: 129
Kui korterelamu on otsustanud remonditöid teha või renoveerida, hakatakse ehitajat tavaliselt otsima internetist ja tuttavate käest. Aga kui suuremad ehitustööd on plaanis läbi viia pangalaenu abil, on ka pangal õigus ehitaja valikus kaasa rääkida. SEB Panga äriklientide osakonna kliendihaldurid soovitavad küsida mitu ehituspakkumist ning annavad nõu, mida ehitaja valikul jälgida.

Kogemus ja maine

Panga jaoks on ehitaja valiku juures olulised mitmed aspektid: reeglina peab ehitusfirma olema tuntud, hea mainega ning tegutsenud vähemalt kaks aastat. Pank vaatab ka äriregistrist ehitaja viimast majandusaasta aruannet, hinnates ettevõtte võimet teha ehitustöid vastavalt ajakavale ja projektieelarvele. Samuti vaadatakse ehitusettevõtte kogemusi ja oskusi sarnaste objektide ehitamisel – seejuures on hea uurida tema kodulehekülge, sest seal on tehtud tööd enamasti välja toodud. Kui ehitaja on alles registreeritud äriregistris ja tema tegevusajalugu on väga lühike, on keeruline hinnata tema suutlikkust objektiga hakkama saada.


Tavapäraselt peab korterelamute renoveerimistöödel olema kaasatud ka ehitusjärelevalve, kusjuures ehitusettevõte ja -järelevalve ei või olla omavahel seotud osapooled. Nii ehitusettevõttel kui ka -järelevalvel peab olema kehtiv tegevusluba, mida saab kontrollida majandustegevuse registrist (MTR). Ehitajal ei tohi olla võlgnevusi krediidiinfos.

Valdkonnale vastav tegevusluba

Kindlasti tuleb kontrollida, kas ettevõttel on tegevusluba antud valdkonnas. Näiteks mõned aastad tagasi oli SEB Pangal kogemus, kus korteriühistu sõelale jäänud ehitaja tegevusalaks oli äriregistris toitlustus ja samuti puudus registreering MTRis. Tegemist võis olla lihtsalt sellega, et registris oli muudatus tegemata, kuid pank ei saanud sellist ehitajat aktsepteerida.

Pank ei finantseeri ettemaksuarveid

Ehitajaga läbirääkimisi pidades peab ühistu juhtkond arvestama, et ettemaksuarveid pank üldjuhul ei finantseeri, välja arvatud juhul, kui ehitajal on esitada aktsepteeritud finantsasutuse ettemaksugarantii. Vastasel juhul peab ehitusettevõte tulema toime sellega, et teeb ise mingi osa tööst valmis ja saab korteriühistult laenu arvelt tasu alles pärast tööde kinnitamist. Kusjuures ehitaja peab andma oma töödele vähemalt kaheaastase garantii.

Vaadake lisaks: Korterelamu renoveerimislaen


Gerli Ramler
vabakutseline ajakirjanik


vanessa cowen God Bless Edward Jones Loans for Helping Me In Time Of Need {Jonesloanfinance@yahoo.com} Good Day I am Vanessa Cowen from California and i have a broken up business, until i found this company who help me to gain a loan for business, and now i want to used this short medium to congratulate the company for the fast and safe funds they loan to me without any form of delay, i loan 180,000.00USD from the company at a very low interest rate of 2% to save my business and lots more. i first saw their mail on the internet, everyone always give testimony for what they did, so i quickly contacted them and they all did everything for me without stress and my funds was sent to my account within 24hrs, i was surprise and feel glad, now i now have a standard business control agent who help me, now i will advice those who need urgent loan to contact them now via email : {jonesloanfinance@yahoo.com} OR Text him +1(307) 217-5388.. ....... 4. aprill 2018
Bryan roland KUIDAS BRIAN ROLANDI POOLT LISADA Ma olen Bryan Roland nime, ma tahan kasutada seda keskmise hoiatada kõiki laenu otsijad olema väga ettevaatlik, sest kõikjal on pettus, mitu kuud tagasi olin rahaliselt pingelised ja kuna nende meeleheide olin petta mitu online-laenuandjate. Ma peaaegu kaotanud lootuse, kuni sõber kutsub mulle väga usaldusväärse laenu nimega hr Stephen Williams (Jumal, kes hirmutab) annab mulle laenu 145 000 euro võrra alla 72 tunni ilma stressita. Selgitades firma posti teel ja kõik nad ütlesid oli nuta, sest ma saan laenu selle firma, ja ka olen teinud õige valiku ühendust nendega, täidetud taotlusvormi laenu ja jätkus kõik, mis küsiti minu ja mu šokk, ma sain laenu. Kui vajate krediiti, võtke temaga kohe ühendust: stephenswillsloan@gmail.com Ma kasutan seda keskkonda, et hoiatada kõiki laenuotsijaid põrgu eest, mida ma võtsin nende võltste laenuandjate kätte. Tänan teid STEPHEN WILLIAMSi laenufirma eest 6. aprill 2018
Emily Thomas EDWARD JONES FINANCE IS THE BEST PLACE TO GET A LOAN {Jonesloanfinance@yahoo.com}, God bless you sir, I will not stop telling the world about your kindness in my life, I am a single mum with kids to look after. My name is Emily Thomas and I am from Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL . A couple of weeks ago My friend visited me and along our discussion she told me about EDWARD JONES FINANCE, that they can help me out of my financial situation, I never believed cause I have spend so much money on different loan lenders who did nothing other than running away with my money. I have been in a financial mess for the pass 7 months now, She advised I give it a try so I mailed him and explain all about my financial situation to him, he therefore took me through the loan process and gave me a loan of $390,000.00 at a very low interest rate of 2% and today I am a proud business owner and can now take good care of my kids, If you must contact any firm to get any amount of loan you need with a low interest rate of 2% and better repayment schedule, please contact EDWARD JONES FINANCE email:- {Jonesloanfinance@yahoo.com} OR Text +1(307) 217-5388 30. aprill 2018
Prosper Loans DO NOT KEEP YOUR FINANCIAL BURDEN TO YOURSELF CONTACT US NOW FOR ANY KIND OF LOAN AT A LOW INTEREST OF 2%.( prosperloanfirm@yahoo.com ) Our loans are well insured for maximum security is our priority, Our leading goal is to help you get the service you deserve, Our Loan program is the quickest. We give out loan in any currency of your choice {Us Dollar, pounds, Euro, Dinar, etc} and duration of 1 to 60 years to pay back the loan (secure and unsecured). Do you need any kind of loan and have low credit score, Have you find it difficult to get loans from local banks and other financial institutions? solution to your financial problem is PROSPER LOAN FIRM. The terms and conditions are very reasonable and considerate. We offer a wide range of financial services which includes: Xmas Loans, Business Loans, Debt Consolidation Loans, Personal Loans, Car loans, Hotel loans, Student loans, Home Refinancing Loans with low interest rate @2% per annul for individuals, companies and corporate bodies. Interested applicants should Contact us via email: prosperloanfirm@yahoo.com OR call/text +1(816) 366-8769 . Apply and be free from financial bondage. 9. mai 2018
Josef Lewis Good-day, I'm Josef Lewis. A reputable, legitimate & accredited lender. We give out loan of all kinds in a very fast and easy way, Personal Loan, Car Loan, Home Loan, Student Loan, Business Loan, Inventor loan, Debt Consolidation. etc Get approved for a business or personal loans today and get funds within same week of application. These personal loans can be approved regardless of your credit and there are lots of happy customers to back up this claim. But you won’t only get the personal loan you need; you will get the cheapest one. This is our promise: We guarantee The lowest rate for all loans with free collateral benefits. We strive to leave a positive lasting impression by exceeding the expectations of my customers in everything I do. Our goal is to treat you with dignity and respect while providing the highest quality service in a timely manner. No social security Number required and no credit check required, 100% Guaranteed. Kindly respond immediately using the details below if interested in a loan and be free of scams.. Email: progresiveloan@yahoo.com Call/Text +1(603) 786-7565 thanks 19. mai 2018
Josef Lewis Good-day, I'm Josef Lewis. A reputable, legitimate & accredited lender. We give out loan of all kinds in a very fast and easy way, Personal Loan, Car Loan, Home Loan, Student Loan, Business Loan, Inventor loan, Debt Consolidation. etc Get approved for a business or personal loans today and get funds within same week of application. These personal loans can be approved regardless of your credit and there are lots of happy customers to back up this claim. But you won’t only get the personal loan you need; you will get the cheapest one. This is our promise: We guarantee The lowest rate for all loans with free collateral benefits. We strive to leave a positive lasting impression by exceeding the expectations of my customers in everything I do. Our goal is to treat you with dignity and respect while providing the highest quality service in a timely manner. No social security Number required and no credit check required, 100% Guaranteed. Kindly respond immediately using the details below if interested in a loan and be free of scams.. Email: progresiveloan@yahoo.com Call/Text +1(603) 786-7565 thanks 19. mai 2018
eve eve laenupakkumine üksikisikutele, kes vajavad rahastamist mikrokrediidi struktuur Oleme välja kujunenud ja aastate jooksul aastad on välja töötanud sügava arusaamise teie vajadustest ja individuaalsed nõuded. Oleme pühendunud oma klientide käsitlemisele õiglane ja pakkuda professionaalset, sõbralikku ja viisakat teenust. Meie protseduurid on loodud teie vastutusele selle tagamiseks pakume tooteid, mis sobivad teie tingimustega. Meie teenus on väga professionaalne ja viivitamata. meie moto on aidata sind, klient, olenemata teie vajadustest. Me pakkuda laene vahemikus 1000 kuni 5 000 000 000 eurot. Taotlused töödeldakse "mitte kohustusena.  Pakume laenu kindla intressimääraga kõigi laenutüüpide jaoks.    Palun, kui olete huvitatud meie teenusest Täida taotleja vorm ja saatke see meile e-posti aadress allpool Teie täielik nimi: .................... Aadress: ................................ Riik: ................................ Laenu summa: ....................... Laenu kestus: ...................... teie e-posti aadress: .............. Leppige meiega kokku evexves@gmail.com FINANCIAL CORPORATION'is on meie rahulolu meie peamine mure. 23. mai 2018
eve eve laenupakkumine üksikisikutele, kes vajavad rahastamist mikrokrediidi struktuur Oleme välja kujunenud ja aastate jooksul aastad on välja töötanud sügava arusaamise teie vajadustest ja individuaalsed nõuded. Oleme pühendunud oma klientide käsitlemisele õiglane ja pakkuda professionaalset, sõbralikku ja viisakat teenust. Meie protseduurid on loodud teie vastutusele selle tagamiseks pakume tooteid, mis sobivad teie tingimustega. Meie teenus on väga professionaalne ja viivitamata. meie moto on aidata sind, klient, olenemata teie vajadustest. Me pakkuda laene vahemikus 1000 kuni 5 000 000 000 eurot. Taotlused töödeldakse "mitte kohustusena.  Pakume laenu kindla intressimääraga kõigi laenutüüpide jaoks.    Palun, kui olete huvitatud meie teenusest Täida taotleja vorm ja saatke see meile e-posti aadress allpool Teie täielik nimi: .................... Aadress: ................................ Riik: ................................ Laenu summa: ....................... Laenu kestus: ...................... teie e-posti aadress: .............. Leppige meiega kokku evexves@gmail.com FINANCIAL CORPORATION'is on meie rahulolu meie peamine mure. 23. mai 2018
eve eve laenupakkumine üksikisikutele, kes vajavad rahastamist mikrokrediidi struktuur Oleme välja kujunenud ja aastate jooksul aastad on välja töötanud sügava arusaamise teie vajadustest ja individuaalsed nõuded. Oleme pühendunud oma klientide käsitlemisele õiglane ja pakkuda professionaalset, sõbralikku ja viisakat teenust. Meie protseduurid on loodud teie vastutusele selle tagamiseks pakume tooteid, mis sobivad teie tingimustega. Meie teenus on väga professionaalne ja viivitamata. meie moto on aidata sind, klient, olenemata teie vajadustest. Me pakkuda laene vahemikus 1000 kuni 5 000 000 000 eurot. Taotlused töödeldakse "mitte kohustusena.  Pakume laenu kindla intressimääraga kõigi laenutüüpide jaoks.    Palun, kui olete huvitatud meie teenusest Täida taotleja vorm ja saatke see meile e-posti aadress allpool Teie täielik nimi: .................... Aadress: ................................ Riik: ................................ Laenu summa: ....................... Laenu kestus: ...................... teie e-posti aadress: .............. Leppige meiega kokku evexves@gmail.com FINANCIAL CORPORATION'is on meie rahulolu meie peamine mure. 23. mai 2018
eve eve laenupakkumine üksikisikutele, kes vajavad rahastamist mikrokrediidi struktuur Oleme välja kujunenud ja aastate jooksul aastad on välja töötanud sügava arusaamise teie vajadustest ja individuaalsed nõuded. Oleme pühendunud oma klientide käsitlemisele õiglane ja pakkuda professionaalset, sõbralikku ja viisakat teenust. Meie protseduurid on loodud teie vastutusele selle tagamiseks pakume tooteid, mis sobivad teie tingimustega. Meie teenus on väga professionaalne ja viivitamata. meie moto on aidata sind, klient, olenemata teie vajadustest. Me pakkuda laene vahemikus 1000 kuni 5 000 000 000 eurot. Taotlused töödeldakse "mitte kohustusena.  Pakume laenu kindla intressimääraga kõigi laenutüüpide jaoks.    Palun, kui olete huvitatud meie teenusest Täida taotleja vorm ja saatke see meile e-posti aadress allpool Teie täielik nimi: .................... Aadress: ................................ Riik: ................................ Laenu summa: ....................... Laenu kestus: ...................... teie e-posti aadress: .............. Leppige meiega kokku evexves@gmail.com FINANCIAL CORPORATION'is on meie rahulolu meie peamine mure. 23. mai 2018
eve eve laenupakkumine üksikisikutele, kes vajavad rahastamist mikrokrediidi struktuur Oleme välja kujunenud ja aastate jooksul aastad on välja töötanud sügava arusaamise teie vajadustest ja individuaalsed nõuded. Oleme pühendunud oma klientide käsitlemisele õiglane ja pakkuda professionaalset, sõbralikku ja viisakat teenust. Meie protseduurid on loodud teie vastutusele selle tagamiseks pakume tooteid, mis sobivad teie tingimustega. Meie teenus on väga professionaalne ja viivitamata. meie moto on aidata sind, klient, olenemata teie vajadustest. Me pakkuda laene vahemikus 1000 kuni 5 000 000 000 eurot. Taotlused töödeldakse "mitte kohustusena.  Pakume laenu kindla intressimääraga kõigi laenutüüpide jaoks.    Palun, kui olete huvitatud meie teenusest Täida taotleja vorm ja saatke see meile e-posti aadress allpool Teie täielik nimi: .................... Aadress: ................................ Riik: ................................ Laenu summa: ....................... Laenu kestus: ...................... teie e-posti aadress: .............. Leppige meiega kokku evexves@gmail.com FINANCIAL CORPORATION'is on meie rahulolu meie peamine mure. 23. mai 2018
eve eve laenupakkumine üksikisikutele, kes vajavad rahastamist mikrokrediidi struktuur Oleme välja kujunenud ja aastate jooksul aastad on välja töötanud sügava arusaamise teie vajadustest ja individuaalsed nõuded. Oleme pühendunud oma klientide käsitlemisele õiglane ja pakkuda professionaalset, sõbralikku ja viisakat teenust. Meie protseduurid on loodud teie vastutusele selle tagamiseks pakume tooteid, mis sobivad teie tingimustega. Meie teenus on väga professionaalne ja viivitamata. meie moto on aidata sind, klient, olenemata teie vajadustest. Me pakkuda laene vahemikus 1000 kuni 5 000 000 000 eurot. Taotlused töödeldakse "mitte kohustusena.  Pakume laenu kindla intressimääraga kõigi laenutüüpide jaoks.    Palun, kui olete huvitatud meie teenusest Täida taotleja vorm ja saatke see meile e-posti aadress allpool Teie täielik nimi: .................... Aadress: ................................ Riik: ................................ Laenu summa: ....................... Laenu kestus: ...................... teie e-posti aadress: .............. Leppige meiega kokku evexves@gmail.com FINANCIAL CORPORATION'is on meie rahulolu meie peamine mure. 23. mai 2018
eve eve laenupakkumine üksikisikutele, kes vajavad rahastamist mikrokrediidi struktuur Oleme välja kujunenud ja aastate jooksul aastad on välja töötanud sügava arusaamise teie vajadustest ja individuaalsed nõuded. Oleme pühendunud oma klientide käsitlemisele õiglane ja pakkuda professionaalset, sõbralikku ja viisakat teenust. Meie protseduurid on loodud teie vastutusele selle tagamiseks pakume tooteid, mis sobivad teie tingimustega. Meie teenus on väga professionaalne ja viivitamata. meie moto on aidata sind, klient, olenemata teie vajadustest. Me pakkuda laene vahemikus 1000 kuni 5 000 000 000 eurot. Taotlused töödeldakse "mitte kohustusena.  Pakume laenu kindla intressimääraga kõigi laenutüüpide jaoks.    Palun, kui olete huvitatud meie teenusest Täida taotleja vorm ja saatke see meile e-posti aadress allpool Teie täielik nimi: .................... Aadress: ................................ Riik: ................................ Laenu summa: ....................... Laenu kestus: ...................... teie e-posti aadress: .............. Leppige meiega kokku evexves@gmail.com FINANCIAL CORPORATION'is on meie rahulolu meie peamine mure. 23. mai 2018
Crystal HOW I GOT A LOAN @ 2% INTEREST RATE with Victoriafinancier@outlook.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I never knew it was really possible to get loan from on line bank or lenders. I was dying in debt with lots of bills to pay for my three kids and my credit score was also very low. So, I just came online to know more about how to approach banks or take a pay day loan with low credit scores. Then i founds numerous write up and articles on different sites of how Victoria Financier Firm help people, firm and organizations with loan @ 2% interest rate. With the knowledge i got online, I contact the Victoria Financier with: Victoriafinancier@outlook.com , i explain my self. I applied for $60,000 but she approved $40,000 and it was the $40K i received in my account. The transaction process was very easy. She confirm my Identity and ensure the safety of the funds. I recommend this company to everybody. Don't die in debt before you seek for help. Write mail to the Victoria now with: Victoriafinancier@outlook.com 22. juuni 2018
David Thomas We are direct mandate to providers and facilitators of all types of Bank Guarantee (BG), SBLC for Lease and Purchase. We engage in MTN, PPP programs, MT109, MT799, MT760, Loans, Sale and Lease of Financial Instruments. In addition we have a track record of 100% deliverance rate with the best workable procedures in the Financial Instruments industry. Our providers are very reliable and ready to transact. We have an excellent relationship with top rated banks in both Europe and Asia, Stock brokers and financial institutions all over the world. Within a short and transparent transaction period we can provide the SBLC/BG for your Heavy/Light project funding. We look forward to your cooperation as we establish a successful business relationship. Anticipating your inquiry Email: tekstructuredfinanceltd@gmail. com Skype: tekstructuredfinanceltd Regards David Thomas TEK STRUCTURED FINANCE LTD BROKERS ARE WELCOME 16. juuli 2018
fernada kredit Laen ja investeeringud kiire ja sulgemiseks Tere Sir / Madam, eelkõige: Eesti Sloveenia, Saksamaa, Letianie, prantsuse, belglased, kanadalased, portugali, itaallased, Šveitsi, DANNOIS ja kõikjal maailmas; Me oleme Golden Financial Investment Group, kes otsib usaldusväärseid ja usaldusväärseid partnereid oma riigis investeerimiseks. Soovime teha koostööd kasumlike projektijuhtidega, kellega me projekti läbipaistval viisil töötame. Samuti anname laenu 5000 kuni 100 000 000 euro ulatuses kõigile tingimustele vastavatele inimestele ja suudame seda tagasi maksta intressimääraga 3% aastas. Kui teil on vaja raha projekti või muudel põhjustel võtke meiega ühendust lisateabe, tõsiste ja ausate isikutega E-post: fernadagonsalo33@gmail.com 30. august 2018
fernada kredit Laen ja investeeringud kiire ja sulgemiseks Tere Sir / Madam, eelkõige: Eesti Sloveenia, Saksamaa, Letianie, prantsuse, belglased, kanadalased, portugali, itaallased, Šveitsi, DANNOIS ja kõikjal maailmas; Me oleme Golden Financial Investment Group, kes otsib usaldusväärseid ja usaldusväärseid partnereid oma riigis investeerimiseks. Soovime teha koostööd kasumlike projektijuhtidega, kellega me projekti läbipaistval viisil töötame. Samuti anname laenu 5000 kuni 100 000 000 euro ulatuses kõigile tingimustele vastavatele inimestele ja suudame seda tagasi maksta intressimääraga 3% aastas. Kui teil on vaja raha projekti või muudel põhjustel võtke meiega ühendust lisateabe, tõsiste ja ausate isikutega E-post: fernadagonsalo33@gmail.com 30. august 2018
fernada kredit Laen ja investeeringud kiire ja sulgemiseks Tere Sir / Madam, eelkõige: Eesti Sloveenia, Saksamaa, Letianie, prantsuse, belglased, kanadalased, portugali, itaallased, Šveitsi, DANNOIS ja kõikjal maailmas; Me oleme Golden Financial Investment Group, kes otsib usaldusväärseid ja usaldusväärseid partnereid oma riigis investeerimiseks. Soovime teha koostööd kasumlike projektijuhtidega, kellega me projekti läbipaistval viisil töötame. Samuti anname laenu 5000 kuni 100 000 000 euro ulatuses kõigile tingimustele vastavatele inimestele ja suudame seda tagasi maksta intressimääraga 3% aastas. Kui teil on vaja raha projekti või muudel põhjustel võtke meiega ühendust lisateabe, tõsiste ja ausate isikutega E-post: fernadagonsalo33@gmail.com 30. august 2018
fernada kredit Laen ja investeeringud kiire ja sulgemiseks Tere Sir / Madam, eelkõige: Eesti Sloveenia, Saksamaa, Letianie, prantsuse, belglased, kanadalased, portugali, itaallased, Šveitsi, DANNOIS ja kõikjal maailmas; Me oleme Golden Financial Investment Group, kes otsib usaldusväärseid ja usaldusväärseid partnereid oma riigis investeerimiseks. Soovime teha koostööd kasumlike projektijuhtidega, kellega me projekti läbipaistval viisil töötame. Samuti anname laenu 5000 kuni 100 000 000 euro ulatuses kõigile tingimustele vastavatele inimestele ja suudame seda tagasi maksta intressimääraga 3% aastas. Kui teil on vaja raha projekti või muudel põhjustel võtke meiega ühendust lisateabe, tõsiste ja ausate isikutega E-post: fernadagonsalo33@gmail.com http://www.loan-and-financing.fr 30. august 2018
fernada kredit Laen ja investeeringud kiire ja sulgemiseks Tere Sir / Madam, eelkõige: Eesti Sloveenia, Saksamaa, Letianie, prantsuse, belglased, kanadalased, portugali, itaallased, Šveitsi, DANNOIS ja kõikjal maailmas; Me oleme Golden Financial Investment Group, kes otsib usaldusväärseid ja usaldusväärseid partnereid oma riigis investeerimiseks. Soovime teha koostööd kasumlike projektijuhtidega, kellega me projekti läbipaistval viisil töötame. Samuti anname laenu 5000 kuni 100 000 000 euro ulatuses kõigile tingimustele vastavatele inimestele ja suudame seda tagasi maksta intressimääraga 3% aastas. Kui teil on vaja raha projekti või muudel põhjustel võtke meiega ühendust lisateabe, tõsiste ja ausate isikutega E-post: fernadagonsalo33@gmail.com http://www.loan-and-financing.fr 30. august 2018
fernada kredit Laen ja investeeringud kiire ja sulgemiseks Tere Sir / Madam, eelkõige: Eesti Sloveenia, Saksamaa, Letianie, prantsuse, belglased, kanadalased, portugali, itaallased, Šveitsi, DANNOIS ja kõikjal maailmas; Me oleme Golden Financial Investment Group, kes otsib usaldusväärseid ja usaldusväärseid partnereid oma riigis investeerimiseks. Soovime teha koostööd kasumlike projektijuhtidega, kellega me projekti läbipaistval viisil töötame. Samuti anname laenu 5000 kuni 100 000 000 euro ulatuses kõigile tingimustele vastavatele inimestele ja suudame seda tagasi maksta intressimääraga 3% aastas. Kui teil on vaja raha projekti või muudel põhjustel võtke meiega ühendust lisateabe, tõsiste ja ausate isikutega E-post: fernadagonsalo33@gmail.com 30. august 2018
therese tõsine tasuta laenupakkumine Hea õhtu sir, kui te olete aus ja tõsine inimene, naudid mu pakkumist. Seda öeldes teatan teile, et annan laene vahemikus 1000 kuni 2 500 000 eurot, nii et palun öelge, kui palju soovite laenata ja mitu aastat soovite laenu anda. südamlikult E-post: grubertherese121@gmail.com 22. jaanuar 2019
therese tõsine tasuta laenupakkumine Hea õhtu sir, kui te olete aus ja tõsine inimene, naudid mu pakkumist. Seda öeldes teatan teile, et annan laene vahemikus 1000 kuni 2 500 000 eurot, nii et palun öelge, kui palju soovite laenata ja mitu aastat soovite laenu anda. südamlikult E-post: grubertherese121@gmail.com 22. jaanuar 2019
gruber gruber tõsine tasuta laenupakkumine Hea õhtu sir, kui te olete aus ja tõsine inimene, naudid mu pakkumist. Seda öeldes teatan teile, et annan laene vahemikus 1000 kuni 2 500 000 eurot, nii et palun öelge, kui palju soovite laenata ja mitu aastat soovite laenu anda. südamlikult E-post: grubertherese121@gmail.com 22. jaanuar 2019
Mr Abdullah QUICK LOAN OFFER BUSINESS AND PERSONAL LOAN Are you in need of Urgent Loan Here no collateral required all problem regarding Loan is solve between a short period of time with a low interest rate of 2% and duration more than 20 years what are you waiting for apply now and solve your problem or start a business with Loan paying of various bills I think you have come to the right place I'll advise you can contact us via email at abdullahibrahimlender@gmail.com whatspp +917738214856 Thanks Mr Abdullah 18. veebruar 2019
MiracleSpellHome@yahoo.com Dr. Miracle Herbal Medicine Is A Good Remedy For Herpes, I Was A carrier of Herpes and I saw a testimony on how Dr. Miracle, cure Herpes, I decided to contact him, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked him for solutions and he started the remedies for my health. After he finish casting the spell, he told me to go for check up, could you believe that i was confirm herpes negative after the test, and i went to a different hospital and it was also negative, i am so happy today because i'm free from herpes disease with the help of Dr. Miracle. Thank God, now everything is fine, I'm cured by Dr.Miracle,herbal medicine, I'm very thankful to Dr. Miracle, Reach Him On ((MiracleSpellHome@yahoo.com)) Or What App Him Or Call: +39(349)549- 4143,,, DOCTOR MIRACLE CAN AS WELL CURE THE FOLLOWING DISEASE:- (1). HERPES( 2). HIV/AIDS (3). CANCER ALL KINDS (4). Hepatitis A,B,C (5)Pregnant (6) Penis Enlargement ,,,, 6. aprill 2019
MiracleSpellHome@yahoo.com Dr. Miracle Herbal Medicine Is A Good Remedy For Herpes, I Was A carrier of Herpes and I saw a testimony on how Dr. Miracle, cure Herpes, I decided to contact him, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked him for solutions and he started the remedies for my health. After he finish casting the spell, he told me to go for check up, could you believe that i was confirm herpes negative after the test, and i went to a different hospital and it was also negative, i am so happy today because i'm free from herpes disease with the help of Dr. Miracle. Thank God, now everything is fine, I'm cured by Dr.Miracle,herbal medicine, I'm very thankful to Dr. Miracle, Reach Him On ((MiracleSpellHome@yahoo.com)) Or What App Him Or Call: +39(349)549- 4143,,, DOCTOR MIRACLE CAN AS WELL CURE THE FOLLOWING DISEASE:- (1). HERPES( 2). HIV/AIDS (3). CANCER ALL KINDS (4). Hepatitis A,B,C (5)Pregnant (6) Penis Enlargement ,,,, 6. aprill 2019
Shannon How I Got My Ex Husband Back........... I am Shannon by name. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my husband after three(3) years of marriage just because another woman had a spell on him and he left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address Makospelltemple@yahoo.com , have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a woman had a spell on my husband and he told me that he will help me and after 2 days that i will have my husband back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my husband. Thanks for Dr.Mako. His email: Makospelltemple@yahoo.com OR.His WhatsApp Number:+2347054263874. 25. aprill 2019
abdullah ibrahim We Offer all types of Finance Business Personal Cash Quick Cash Advance. Fast Credit Check. Cash Today. Fast Cash Online low interest rate as low as 2% Financial Cash Available Here Business Personal Cash I'll advise All Cash seeker should contact us Contact Us At : abdullahibrahimlender@gmail.com whatspp Number +918929490461 Mr Abdullah Ibrahim 21. juuni 2019
Shannon How I Got My Ex Husband Back........... I am Shannon by name. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my husband after three(3) years of marriage just because another woman had a spell on him and he left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address Makospelltemple@yahoo.com , have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a woman had a spell on my husband and he told me that he will help me and after 2 days that i will have my husband back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my husband. Thanks for Dr.Mako. His email: Makospelltemple@yahoo.com OR.His WhatsApp Number:+2347054263874. 27. juuli 2019
Shannon How I Got My Ex Husband Back........... I am Shannon by name. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my husband after three(3) years of marriage just because another woman had a spell on him and he left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address Makospelltemple@yahoo.com , have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a woman had a spell on my husband and he told me that he will help me and after 2 days that i will have my husband back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my husband. Thanks for Dr.Mako. His email: Makospelltemple@yahoo.com OR.His WhatsApp Number:+2347054263874. 1. august 2019
Aflakiherbalcure@gmail.com My Name is Dr Aflaki you can Contact Me via Email (Aflakiherbalcure@gmail.com) For Penis Enlargement Product To Help You Get As Long As 8 inches Long With Good Erection,,,He also specializes in the following Things (1)Herpes Virus(2)Chronic Venous Disease(3)HIV/Aids(4)Weak Erection (5)Low Sperm Count Contact Me Via Email : Aflakiherbalcure@gmail.com ,Or Whats-app: +39349594143 ,,, 4. oktoober 2019
Olivia Jayden HOW I GOT MY EX HUSBAND BACK WITH THE HELP OF REAL AND EFFECTIVE SPELL FROM DR Osasu My name is Olivia Jayden, I never thought I will smile again, My husband left me with two kids for one year, All effort to bring him back failed I thought I'm not going to see him again not until I met a lady called Jesse who told me about a spell caster called Dr. Osasu , She gave me his email address and mobile number and I contacted him and he assured me that within 48hours my husband will come back to me, In less than 48hours my husband came back started begging for forgiveness saying it is the devils work, so I'm still surprise till now about this miracle,i couldn't conceive but as soon as the spell was cast,i became pregnant and gave birth to my third child,if you need any assistance from him you can contact him via:email: drosasu25@gmail.com Or WhatsApp or call him now: +2347064365391 . Dr.Osasu also cures: 1. HIV / AIDS 2. HERPES 1/2 3. CANCER 4. ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) 5. Hepatitis B 16. oktoober 2019
EllinasFinances@gmail.com Do You Seek Funds To Pay Off Credits and Debts? { EllinasFinances@gmail.com } Is Here To Put A Stop To Your Financial Problems. We Offer All Kinds Of Loan (Personal Loan, Commercial Loan, etc.) We Give Out Loan With An Interest Rate Of 2%. Interested Applicants Should Contact Us Via Email: EllinasFinances@gmail.com Please Fill the Application Form Below:- Complete Name:- Loan Amount Needed:- Loan Duration:- Purpose Of Loan:- City / Country:- Telephone:- How Did You Hear About Us: If You Are Interested To Get A Loan Then Kindly Write Us With The Loan Requirement. Please, Contact Us via Email: EllinasFinances@gmail.com ,,, 15. detsember 2019
Vera Joe I'm from USA i want to testify of a great and powerful spell caster my husband left me and the kids for 2 weeks when i called him he didn't pick up when he came back home the 3 week he told me he wanted a divorce i was so sad i cried all night he left again i was so lonely the next day i was searching for something online when i found a spell caster called Dr Azuka who have helped so many people with their problems so i contacted him with my problems he told me it will take 24hrs and my husband will be back to me i did every thing he told me to do and the next day my husband came back kneeling and begging he canceled the divorce we are now happy together Dr Azuka can help you too email him at (dr.azukasolutionhome@gmail.com) or contact him on whats app +44 7520 636249 26. detsember 2019
Kenny Diana What a wonderful and a straight forward spell caster that has brought back joy and happiness into my life! Am giving this testimony because am so happy, I want to thank Dr. Osasu for the great thing He has done in my life , He brought happiness back to my life, I never believed in spell casters until my life fell apart when my lover of 6 years decided to call it quit almost when we wanted to get married. I was so emotional breakdown to the extent i could not do anything reasonable again, after 2months in pain before an old friend of mine introduced me to a spell caster on line called Dr Osasu, this was after I have been scammed by various fake spell casters. I was introduced me to Dr Osasu a true Spell Caster. In less than 24 hours i saw wonders, my lover came back to me and my life got back just like a completed puzzle, and after 1month later we got married and it was just like a dream to me because i thought i had lost him forever. Thank you Dr. Osasu for helping me but most of all, Your Honesty and Fast Accurate Results. email: Drosasu25@gmail.com WhatsApp Number: +2347064365391 12. jaanuar 2020
kimberly After 6 years in marriage with my husband with 2 kids, my husband started going out with other ladies and showed me cold love, on several occasions he threatens to divorce me if I dare question him about his affair with other ladies, I was totally devastated and confused until a friend of mine told me about a spell caster on the internet called Dr ben who help people with relationship and marriage problem by the powers of love spells, at first I doubted if such thing ever exists but decided to give it a try, when I contact him, he cast a love spell for me and within 48hours my husband came back to me and beg me to forgive him for what he did and right now he has stopped going out with ladies and he his with me for good and for real. Contact this great spell caster for your relationship or marriage problem Email him on; drbenspellcaster@gmail.com or Whatsapp +2348151642717 okay. 26. jaanuar 2020
anderson may When I found PRIEST WISDOM I was in desperate need of bringing my ex lover back. He left me for another woman. It happened so fast and I had no say in the situation at all. He just dumped me after 3 years with no explanation. I contact PRIEST WISDOM  and He told me  what i need to do before he can help me and i did what he told me to, after i provided what he wanted, he cast a love spell to help us get back together. Shortly after he did his spell, my boyfriend started texting me again and felt horrible for what he just put me through. He said that I was the most important person in his life and he knows that now. We moved in together and he was more open to me than before and he started spending more time with me than before. Ever since PRIEST WISDOM helped me, my partner is very stable, faithful and closer to me than before. I highly recommends PRIEST WISDOM to anyone in need of help. Email: Supernaturalspell1@gmail.com . Call him or add him on whatsapp via: +2348124644470 PRIEST WISDOM BLOG PAGE: https://supernaturalspell21.blogspot.com/   .......... 28. jaanuar 2020
anderson may When I found PRIEST WISDOM I was in desperate need of bringing my ex lover back. He left me for another woman. It happened so fast and I had no say in the situation at all. He just dumped me after 3 years with no explanation. I contact PRIEST WISDOM  and He told me  what i need to do before he can help me and i did what he told me to, after i provided what he wanted, he cast a love spell to help us get back together. Shortly after he did his spell, my boyfriend started texting me again and felt horrible for what he just put me through. He said that I was the most important person in his life and he knows that now. We moved in together and he was more open to me than before and he started spending more time with me than before. Ever since PRIEST WISDOM helped me, my partner is very stable, faithful and closer to me than before. I highly recommends PRIEST WISDOM to anyone in need of help. Email: Supernaturalspell1@gmail.com . Call him or add him on whatsapp via: +2348124644470 PRIEST WISDOM BLOG PAGE: https://supernaturalspell21.blogspot.com/   ......... 28. jaanuar 2020
Linda Mark HOW I GOT MY LOAN FROM THIS GREAT COMPANY Hello my dear people, I am Linda McDonald, currently living in Austin Texas, USA. I am a widow at the moment with three kids and i was stuck in a financial situation in April 2018 and i needed to refinance and pay my bills. I tried seeking loans from various loan firms both private and corporate but never with success, and most banks declined my credit ,do not full prey to those hoodlums at there that call them self-money lender they are all scam , all they want is your money and you well not hear from them again they have done it to me twice before I met Mr. David Wilson the most interesting part of it is that my loan was transfer to me within 74hours so I will advise you to contact Mr. David if you are interested in getting loan and you are sure you can pay him back on time you can contact him via email……… (davidwilsonloancompany4@gmail.com) No credit check, no cosigner with just 2% interest rate and better repayment plans and schedule if you must contact any firm with reference to securing a loan without collateral then contact Mr. David Wilson today for your loan They offer all kind of categories of loan they Short term loan (5_10years) Long term loan (20_40) Media term loan (10_20) They offer loan like Home loan............., Business loan........ Debt loan....... Student loan.........., Business startup loan Business loan......., Company loan.............. etc Email..........( davidwilsonloancompany4@gmail.com) When it comes to financial crisis and loan then David Wilson loan financial is the place to go please just tell him I Mrs. Linda McDonald direct you Good Luck....................... 5. veebruar 2020
Adams Vienna MY STORY HERE IS REAL AND GENUINE. My name is Adams Vienna and i am here to testify about Great Mother who brought back my man to me when he broke up with me because of another woman who he met at his place of work. Great Mother is a very powerful, real and unique woman with special powers. I tried to get help from many places and sources to bring back my man but nothing worked but when i contacted Great Mother, she made me smile again by bringing my man back to me with her special powers.. If you are experiencing any problems in your marriage, relationship, and you have any similar problem to this, contact this Great Woman now she will help you. Here is her website: Ourgreatmother1.com   and here is her email address: Greatmotherofsolutiontemple1@yahoo.com   and you can also contact her now on her own Whatsapp number: +17025514367 You can either contact her on her website, email or her whatsapp number. Thank you Great Mother.   11. veebruar 2020
Adams Vienna MY STORY HERE IS REAL AND GENUINE. My name is Adams Vienna and i am here to testify about Great Mother who brought back my man to me when he broke up with me because of another woman who he met at his place of work. Great Mother is a very powerful, real and unique woman with special powers. I tried to get help from many places and sources to bring back my man but nothing worked but when i contacted Great Mother, she made me smile again by bringing my man back to me with her special powers.. If you are experiencing any problems in your marriage, relationship, and you have any similar problem to this, contact this Great Woman now she will help you. Here is her website: Ourgreatmother1.com   and here is her email address: Greatmotherofsolutiontemple1@yahoo.com   and you can also contact her now on her own Whatsapp number: +17025514367 You can either contact her on her website, email or her whatsapp number. Thank you Great Mother.   11. veebruar 2020
lisa william I want to offer a bit of advice to anyone looking to find help on saving their marriage/relationship. Me and my husband had a torrid time for a whole decade; all our family & friends constantly advising us to get a divorce but we knew it would break our children’s heart. We tried so many different things to save our marriage i came across a very helpful online spell caster DR IWISA website https://superiorspellhome.webnode.com that help us solved the problem well for us with his permanent reunite marriage binding love spell: if you are looking for help; I do highly recommend anyone who is having troubles right now to try DR IWISA Email: superiorspellhome@gmail.com Call & Whatsapp +27730886631 https://superiorspellhome.webnode.com 11. veebruar 2020
rose wood MY HUSBAND IS BACK WITH THE GREAT HELP OF LORD SAN LOVE SPELLI'm so excited my broken Marriage has been restored my ex husband is back after he left me and our 2kids for another woman. i was so happy to meet LORD SAN how he help many people to bring there Lover back so i contact him to help me too. that was how  help me to bring my husband back.. A big thank to you LORD SAN because I never thought my ex Husband will be back to me so quickly with your spell. You are the best and world greatest. if you are here and you need your Ex Lover back or your husband moved to another woman, do not cry anymore, contact this powerful spell caster now. Here’s his contact: Email him at: {moneytemple@outlook.com}You can also Call/Whats App:+447482854279 You can also visit his website:https://thetempleofmoney.com/ 15. veebruar 2020
ruth i want to let the world know about Dr, Ojoka the Great spell caster that brought back my husband to me when i thought all hope was lost. Dr, Ojoka used his powerful spell to put a smile on my face by bringing back my man with his spell, at first i thought i was dreaming when my husband came back to me on his knees begging me to forgive him and accept him back and ever since then he loves me more than i ever expected so i made a vow to my self that i will let the World know about Dr, Ojoka because he is a God on earth. Do you have problems in your relationship ? have your partner broke up with you and you still love and want him back ? Do you have problem with your finance ? or do you need help of any kind then contact Dr, Ojoka today for i give you 100% guarantee that he will help you just as he helped me. Dr, Ojoka email is: dr.ojokaspelltemple@gmail.com OR add him on whats app via: +2348144172934 check his website http://Drojokaspelltemple.website2.me 15. veebruar 2020
Christy Clark I recently saw a testimony about a spell caster of some sort in a blog I visit for relationship and dating counseling problems because i had been having serious issues with my boyfriend and we had been dating for six months,he just suddenly changed,he was returning my calls,he started cheating,he was hurting me in so many ways i never thought possible and I just thought I should try it maybe out of desperation of some sort ..and I contacted them..At first everything felt dreamy and unbelievable,their consultations and solution was a little bit easy and strange and I was scared a little cos I heard read and heard lots of stories of spell casters and i never really believed in magic..I played along with a little hope and faith and I was sent some few stuffs after everything and it worked like a miracle,everything went to a while new direction,I guess it was all good faith that made me read That particular post that faithful day..I hope they could help other people too like they did a little and I got everything I wanted and wished for my husband,my family and my life back their address is; Supernaturalspell1@gmail.com  Call him or add him on whatsapp via: +2348124644470 PRIEST WISDOM BLOG PAGE: https://supernaturalspell21.blogspot.com/ 20. veebruar 2020
Lizzy Dixon Am Lizzy Dixon from Canada, I want to quickly tell the world that there is a real online spell caster that is powerful and genuine, His name is Chief He helped me recently to reunite my relationship with my husband who left me, When i contacted Chief he cast a love spell for me, and my husband who said he doesn't have anything to do with me again called me and started begging me to come back. he is back now with so much love and care. today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the powers to restore broken relationship back. because i am now happy with my husband. To anyone who is reading this article and needs any help, Chief can also offer any type of help like, Court Cases, Pregnancy Spell, Spiritual protection and lot's more. You can contact him Via his email chiefdrlucky@gmail.com call or add him on whats-app with his phone number +2348132777335 Website: http://chiefdrluckysolutionhome.website2.me/    28. veebruar 2020
Beth MY TESTIMONY ON HOW I GET BACK MY DIVORCED HUSBAND WITH THE GOOD HELP OF PRIEST ADE THE MOST HIGH/BEST PSYCHIC ONLINE CONTACT HIM NOW: http://ancientspiritspellcast.website2.me It's a privilege to share this miraculous testimony to the world. I'm Beth Walters from England. My husband divorced me 4 months back and i have been filled with remorse for i didn't know what to do to amend issues with my husband. I searched for help on the internet on how i could get help in my marriage and i discovered great testifiers about Priest Ade who has been progressive with his spells. I got in touch with him and behold, Priest Ade told me that he will prepare a spell for me that will bring back my husband. I was skeptical but i had no other option but to work with him. 2 days after, my husband called me that he's coming back home and from that day till this moment, we have been living peacefully. He is back now with so much love and caring. today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the powers of bring lovers back and the most surprising thing is that our love is very strong now,every day is happiness and joy. and there is nothing like being with the man you love. I will highly recommend Priest Ade  to anyone one out there who needs help whatsoever.if you have any problem contact Priest Ade, i give you 100% guarantee that he will help you!!.  ancientspiritspellcast@gmail.com or ancientspiritspellcast@yahoo.com Write him on Whats-app +2347059715465 https://ancientspiritspellcast12.wordpress.com Blog: https://priestade.blogspot.com 29. veebruar 2020
Claudia klein Tere ja Tere tulemast Spotcapi ülemaailmsetesse laenuteenustesse. Minu nimi on Claudia Klein, olen laenuandja ja ka laenukonsultant. Kas vajate rahalist tugevdamist? kas vajate laenu erinevatel eesmärkidel? Kui vastus on jaatav, soovitan teil pöörduda minu ettevõtte poole | spotcapglobalservices@gmail.com | või kirjuta meile WhatsApp: +4915758108767 | ja teie kontol on laen 24 tunni jooksul, kuna pakume suurepäraseid laenuteenuseid kogu maailmas. Pakume kõikvõimalikke laenuteenuseid (isiklik laen, ärilaen ja palju muud), pakume nii pika- kui ka lühiajalisi laene ning lisaks saate laenata kuni 15 miljonit eurot. Minu ettevõte aitab teil mitmesuguste laenutoodete abil saavutada mitmesuguseid eesmärke. Me teame, et õigustatud laenu saamine on alati olnud tohutu probleem Üksikisikute jaoks, kellel on rahalisi probleeme ja kes vajavad selle lahendamist, on paljudel inimestel kõrgete intresside tõttu nii keeruline omakapitalilaenu saada kohalikest pankadest või muudest finantseerimisasutustest. määr, ebapiisav tagatis, võla ja sissetuleku suhe, madal krediidiskoor või muud põhjused Enam pole ooteaegu ega stressirohkeid pangavisiite. Meie teenus on saadaval ööpäevaringselt - saate laenu ja teha tehinguid igal ajal ja igal pool, kus seda vajate Pakume 24-tunnist maailmatasemel laenuteenust. Päringutele / küsimustele? - Saada e-kiri aadressile | spotcapglobalservices@gmail.com | või kirjuta meile WhatsApp: +4915758108767 | & Saate vastuse hetkega. Teie pere, sõbrad ja kolleegid ei pea teadma, et teil on vähe raha, lihtsalt kirjutage meile ja saate laenu. Teie rahaline vabadus on teie kätes! 16. märts 2020
Claudia klein Hallo en welkom bij Spotcap Global Loan Services, mijn naam is Claudia Klein, ik ben een geldschieter en ook een leningadviseur. Heeft u dringend financiële versterking nodig? heb je een lening nodig voor verschillende doeleinden? als uw antwoord ja is, zal ik u adviseren contact op te nemen met mijn bedrijf via | spotcapglobalservices@gmail.com | of stuur ons een bericht op WhatsApp: +4915758108767 | en binnen 24 uur een lening op uw rekening hebben, omdat we uitstekende leendiensten over de hele wereld bieden. We bieden allerlei soorten leendiensten aan (persoonlijke lening, zakelijke lening en nog veel meer), we bieden zowel langlopende als kortlopende leningen aan en u kunt ook tot 15 miljoen euro lenen. Mijn bedrijf helpt u bij het bereiken van verschillende doelen met een breed scala aan leenproducten. We weten dat het verkrijgen van een legitieme lening altijd een groot probleem is geweest Voor mensen die een financieel probleem hebben en er een oplossing voor nodig hebben, vinden veel mensen het zo moeilijk om een ​​lening met eigen vermogen van hun lokale banken of andere financiële instellingen te krijgen vanwege hoge rente tarief, onvoldoende onderpand, verhouding schuld / inkomen, lage credit score of andere redenen Geen wachttijden of stressvolle bankbezoeken meer. Onze service is 24/7 beschikbaar - u kunt een lening krijgen en uw transacties voltooien waar en wanneer u die nodig heeft Wij bieden 24-uurs lening van wereldklasse. Voor vragen / vragen? - Stuur een e-mail naar | spotcapglobalservices@gmail.com | of stuur ons een bericht op WhatsApp: +4915758108767 | & Ontvang in een oogwenk een reactie. Uw familie, vrienden en collega's hoeven niet te weten dat u weinig geld heeft, schrijf ons gewoon en u ontvangt een lening. Je financiële vrijheid ligt in jouw handen! 25. märts 2020
cater tam I was diagnosed of herpes virus, I have tried all possible means to get cure but all my effort proved abortive, until a friend of mine introduced me to a herbal doctor called Chief Dr Lucky, who prepare herbal medicine to cure all kind of diseases including herpes virus (Herpes), when i contacted this herbal doctor via email, he sent me herpes virus herbal medicine via courier service, when i received the herbal medicine he gave me step by step instructions on how to apply it, when i applied it as instructed i was totally cured from the virus within 3 weeks of usage. Contact this great herbal doctor today to get your cure.  Via Email : chiefdrlucky@gmail.com Whats App : +2348132777335 website : http://chiefdrluckysolutionhome.website2.me/     26. märts 2020
scott james GENUINE BANK GUARANTEE (BG) AND STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT (SBLC) FOR BUY/LEASE AT THE BEST RATES AVAILABLE We offer certified and verifiable bank instruments via Swift Transmission from a genuine provider capable of taking up time bound transactions. FOR LEASING OF BG/SBLC MINIMUM FACE VALUE OF BG/SBLC = EUR/USD 1M LEASING FEE = 4%+2% FOR PURCHASE OF FRESH CUT BG/SBLC PRICE = 32%+2% MINIMUM FACE VALUE OF BG/SBLC = EUR/USD 1M Our BG/SBLC Financing can help you get your project funded, loan financing by providing you with yearly. RWA ready to close leasing with any interested client in few banking days Name : Scott james Email : Inquiry.securedfunding@gmail.com Skype: Inquiry.securedfunding@gmail.com 23. aprill 2020
Christy Walton Hallo, Op zoek naar een schuldconsolidatielening, ongedekte leningen, zakelijke leningen, hypotheekleningen, autoleningen, studieleningen, persoonlijke leningen, risicokapitaal, bitcoin-lening, enz! Ik ben een particuliere kredietverstrekker, ik verstrek leningen aan bedrijven en particulieren met lage rentetarieven en redelijke rentetarieven van 2%. E-mail naar: christywalton355@gmail.com 26. aprill 2020
Shannon How I Got My Ex Husband Back........... I am Shannon by name. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my husband after three(3) years of marriage just because another woman had a spell on him and he left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address Makospelltemple@yahoo.com , have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a woman had a spell on my husband and he told me that he will help me and after 2 days that i will have my husband back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my husband. Thanks for Dr.Mako. His email: Makospelltemple@yahoo.com OR.His WhatsApp Number:+2347054263874. 3. mai 2020
Elvis Roberts GENUINE BANK GUARANTEE (BG) AND STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT (SBLC) FOR BUY/LEASE AT THE BEST RATES AVAILABLE We offer certified and verifiable bank instruments via Swift Transmission from a genuine provider capable of taking up time bound transactions. FOR LEASING OF BG/SBLC MINIMUM FACE VALUE OF BG/SBLC = EUR/USD 1M LEASING FEE = 4%+2% FOR PURCHASE OF FRESH CUT BG/SBLC PRICE = 32%+2% MINIMUM FACE VALUE OF BG/SBLC = EUR/USD 1M Our BG/SBLC Financing can help you get your project funded, loan financing by providing you with yearly. RWA ready to close leasing with any interested client in few banking days Name : Elvis roberts Email : Inquiry.jmfinance@gmail.com Skype : Inquiry.jmfinance@gmail.com WHATSAPP NO : +1(909)375-0798 20. mai 2020
Rudolf Christian GENUINE BANK GUARANTEE (BG) AND STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT (SBLC) FOR BUY/LEASE AT THE BEST RATES AVAILABLE we are direct Mandate to a genuinely renowned Investment Finance Company offering Cash & Asset Backed Financial Instruments such as BG/SBLC/MTN/LC/DLC on Lease and Sale at the best rates and with the most feasible procedures. Instruments offered can be put in all forms of trade and can be monetized or discounted for direct funding. We offer certifiable and verifiable bank instruments via Swift Transmission from a genuine provider capable of taking up time bound transactions. Kindly contact for genuine inquiries and I can provide you with the needed information. CONTACT: Rudolf Christian,(DIRECTOR) Email: projectfunding.uk.rudolf@gmail.com SKype: cid.defcc488b5af0d20 21. mai 2020
Blaine lorcan We are project funder as well as financial lender. We have BG/SBLC specifically for BUY/LEASE at a leasing price of 4%+2% of face value Issuance by HSBC London and many other 25 top AA rated Bank in Europe, Middle East or USA. We also secure funding. Also We are into the provision of short term and long term business/personal loans for both small and large scale business funds. * FOR LEASING OF BG/SBLC MINIMUM FACE VALUE OF BG/SBLC = EUR/USD 1M LEASING FEE = 4%+2% * FOR PURCHASE OF FRESH CUT BG/SBLC PRICE = 32%+2% MINIMUM FACE VALUE OF BG/SBLC = EUR/USD 1M Kindly contact us for our procedures and be sure that we shall respond within 48hrs maximum. Intermediaries/Consultants/Brokers are welcome to bring their clients and are 100% protected. In complete confidence, we will work together for the benefits of all parties involved. Contact Name : Blaine Lorcan Contact Email: blainelorcan@gmail.com Skype:blainelorcan@gmail.com WhatsApp:+1(408)290-8281 21. mai 2020
Linda Mark KUIDAS MINU LAENU SELLEST SUUREST FIRMAST sain Tere, mu kallid inimesed, ma olen Linda McDonald, kes elab praegu Austinis Texases, USA-s. Olen praegu kolme lapsega lesk ja olin 2018. aasta aprillis finantsseisundis ummikus ning mul oli vaja refinantseerida ja arveid maksta. Proovisin leida laenu erinevatelt nii era- kui ka korporatiivsetelt laenufirmadelt, kuid mitte kunagi eduga. Enamik panku lükkas mu krediidi tagasi, ärge täiel rinnal saamas neid hoodlumeid, kes kutsuvad neid omaraha laenuandjaks - nad on kõik pettused, nad tahavad ainult teie raha ja te ei kuule neilt enam, et nad on seda mulle kaks korda teinud, enne kui ma kohtusin hr David Wilsoniga. Kõige huvitavam osa on see, et minu laen kanti mulle üle 74 tunni jooksul, seega soovitan teil pöörduda hr Davidi poole, kui olete huvitatud laenu saamisest ja olete kindel, et saate talle õigel ajal tagasi maksta, võite temaga ühendust võtta e-posti teel ……… (davidwilsonloancompany4@gmail.com) Krediidikontrolli pole, ainult 2% intressimäära ja parema tagasimakseplaaniga krediidireisija Kui peate laenutagatise saamiseks võtma ühendust mõne ettevõttega, pöörduge täna laenu saamiseks hr David Wilsoni poole Nad pakuvad igasuguseid laenukategooriaid Lühiajaline laen (5_10 aastat) Pikaajaline laen (20_40) Meedia tähtajaline laen (10_20) Nad pakuvad laenu nagu Kodulaen ............., ärilaen ........ Võlalaen ....... Õppelaen .........., ettevõtluse alustamise laen Ettevõtluslaen ......., ettevõtte laen .............. jne E-post .......... (davidwilsonloancompany4@gmail.com) Finantskriisi ja laenude osas on David Wilsoni laenude finantseerimine just see koht, kuhu minna. Palun öelge talle, et ma proua Linda McDonald juhendab teile õnne ................... .... 26. mai 2020
Baktoo Mubarik GENUINE BANK GUARANTEE (BG) AND STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT (SBLC) FOR LEASE AT THE LOWEST RATES AVAILABLE. OTHER FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS SUCH AS MTN, CD, DLC, PB ARE ALSO AVAILABLE. Dear Sir/Ma I am direct to a provider who has recently issued banking instruments for a couple of my clients the provider is 100% check-able you can do your due diligence on them. I personally know the provider. Our instruments are only from triple 'a' rated banks and we issue from $1M to $5B . The provider is 100% verifiable. If you are genuinely seeking bank instruments. Contact me and i will furnish you with details. And again our bank instruments can serves as collateral as the case may be, which will enable you get loans from your bank so as to embark on any projects such as Aviation, Agriculture, Petroleum, Mining, Telecommunication, Construction of Dams, Real estate, Bridges, Trading, Importing and exporting and Other Turnkey Project (s) etc. Also these instruments can be put in PPP, etc. Please do let me know of your willingness to proceed and I will email you our terms and condition upon request.Inquiries from agents/ brokers/ intermediaries are also welcome. If you are interested in seeking to raise finance for your business/projects in this way, Email: goldencrow59@gmail.com Skype:goldencrow59@gmail.com 30. mai 2020
MOPRpp Minu nimi on Jack ALEX. Ma käisin veebis ja sattusin JOSE Luisi laenu väljaandesse, kus öeldakse, et laenufirma annab elanikkonnale laenu väga madala intressimääraga. Niisiis, võtsin ettevõttega ühendust tema e-posti teel: (joseluisloans@gmail.com) mida taotlesin 25 000 euro suuruseks laenuks kaheks aastaks. Ettevõte vastas mulle ja saatis mulle kõik tema ettevõtte tingimused, mida ma olin lugenud, ja nõustusin nendega, et nad ei maksa mingit tasu. Pärast laenutaotluse kinnitamist sain oma pangast teate, et minu pangakontole on 25 000 euro suurune ruupiaks konverteeritud, lõpetasin laenu tagasimaksmise 18. detsembril enne koroonapuhangu algust. Nii et tahaksin kasutada võimalust ja saata sõnum kõigile, kes otsivad Internetist usaldusväärset eralaenu pakkujat, et taotleda e-posti teel jose luisi laenu: Konto (joseluisloans@gmail.com) võite võtta ühendust ka neid rakenduses Whats: (+13075431042) 30. juuni 2020
pokj Minu nimi on Jack ALEX. Ma käisin veebis ja sattusin JOSE Luisi laenu väljaandesse, kus öeldakse, et laenufirma annab elanikkonnale laenu väga madala intressimääraga. Niisiis, võtsin ettevõttega ühendust tema e-posti teel: (joseluisloans@gmail.com) mida taotlesin 25 000 euro suuruseks laenuks kaheks aastaks. Ettevõte vastas mulle ja saatis mulle kõik tema ettevõtte tingimused, mida ma olin lugenud, ja nõustusin nendega, et nad ei maksa mingit tasu. Pärast laenutaotluse kinnitamist sain oma pangast teate, et minu pangakontole on 25 000 euro suurune ruupiaks konverteeritud, lõpetasin laenu tagasimaksmise 18. detsembril enne koroonapuhangu algust. Nii et tahaksin kasutada võimalust ja saata sõnum kõigile, kes otsivad Internetist usaldusväärset eralaenu pakkujat, et taotleda e-posti teel jose luisi laenu: Konto (joseluisloans@gmail.com) võite võtta ühendust ka neid rakenduses Whats: (+13075431042) 30. juuni 2020
Claudia Klein Tere ja Tere tulemast Spotlight Global Financial Services'i, minu nimi on Claudia Klein, olen laenuandja ja ka finantskonsultant. Kas vajate hädasti rahalist tugevdamist? Kas vajate laenu erinevatel eesmärkidel? kui teie vastus on jaatav, soovitan teil pöörduda minu ettevõtte poole | spotlightglobalservices@gmail.com | või saatke meile WhatsApp: +4915758108767 | ja teil on 24 tunni jooksul oma kontol laen, kuna pakume suurepäraseid laenuteenuseid kogu maailmas. Pakume igasuguseid laenuteenuseid (isiklik laen, ärilaen ja palju muud), pakume nii pikaajalisi kui ka lühiajalisi laene ning lisaks saate laenata kuni 15 miljonit eurot. Minu ettevõte aitab teil saavutada mitmesuguseid eesmärke paljude laenutoodetega. Me teame, et seadusliku laenu saamine on alati olnud suur probleem Üksikisikutele, kellel on finantsprobleeme ja kes vajavad sellele lahendust, on paljudel inimestel kõrge huvi tõttu oma kohalikest pankadest või muudest finantsasutustest omakapitali laenu saamine nii keeruline intressimäär, ebapiisav tagatis, võla ja sissetuleku suhe, madal krediidiskoor või muud põhjused. Enam pole ooteaegu ega pingelisi pangakülastusi. Meie teenus on saadaval ööpäevaringselt - saate laenu saada ja tehinguid sooritada igal ajal ja igal pool. Pakume 24-tunniseid maailmatasemel laenuteenuseid. Päringutele / küsimustele? - Saada meil | spotlightglobalservices@gmail.com | või saatke meile WhatsApp: +4915758108767 | & saada hetkega vastus Saate meid hõlpsasti meie veebisaidil kontrollida: https://spotlightglobalfin.wixsite.com/financial Teie pere, sõbrad ja kolleegid ei pea teadma, et teil on vähe sularaha, kirjutage lihtsalt meile ja saate laenu. Teie rahaline vabadus on teie kätes! 27. september 2020
Christy Walton Het zal slecht zijn om dit alleen voor mezelf te houden. Ik kwam de beste binaire verwachting ooit tegen, Sir Carlos Crypto die me echt helpt om te investeren, hij is heel eerlijk en ijverig in zijn werk. Het enige wat ik deed was $ 500 investeren en binnen 7 dagen maakte hij $ 7000 winst voor mij. Neem contact met hem op via Whatsapp: +1 (216) 626-3236 of e-mail: carlose78910@gmail.com 30. september 2020
abdullah ibrahim Are you in need of Urgent Loan Here no collateral required all problem regarding Loan is solve between a short period of time with a low interest rate of 2% and duration more than 20 years what are you waiting for apply now and solve your problem or start a business with Loan paying of various bills You have come to the right place just contact us abdullahibrahimlender@gmail.com whatspp Number +918929490461 Mr Abdullah Ibrahim 8. oktoober 2020
Isabella Lucas My ex-husband and I had always managed to stay friendly after our divorce in February 2017. But I always wanted to get back together with him, All it took was a visit to this spell casters website last December, because my dream was to start a new year with my husband, and live happily with him.. This spell caster requested a specific love spell for me and my husband, and I accepted it. And this powerful spell caster began to work his magic. And 48 hours after this spell caster worked for me, my husband called me back for us to be together again, and he was remorseful for all his wrong deeds. My spell is working because guess what: My “husband” is back and we are making preparations on how to go to court and withdraw our divorce papers ASAP. This is nothing short of a miracle. Thank you Dr Emu for your powerful spells. Words are not enough. here is his Email: emutemple@gmail.com or call/text him on his WhatsApp +2347012841542 He is also able to cast spell like 1: Lottery 2: Conceive 3: Breakup 4: Divorce 5: Cure for all kinds of diseases and viruses. 22. november 2020
Bitcoin Investment My Bitcoin Investment  Experience. No doubt Bitcoin has been the trend of today and it's doing a lot in the world of business because people prefer saving  up money in their wallets rather than banks,   I lost about  $54,000 USD last summer due to the fall in the price of bitcoins. A colleague at work who knew my ordeal on bitcoin savings  introduced me to a platform  (cryptoforex345.com)  where I can save and invest my bitcoins with more than 100%  profit  margin.  At first I was skeptical about it so I decided to try it out with just  few dollars. I was amazed after 12 hours I earned an additional more dollars  and I was able to make an instant withdrawal and ever since I have been investing and making more money.  Bitcoin investment with cryptoforex345.com  has changed my life as I have made over $176,000 USD. You all can sign up and earn at:           25. november 2020
Jason Bennett I Finally Got Helped  !! I'm so excited right now, I just have to share my testimony on this Forum.. The feeling of being loved takes away so much burden from our shoulders. I had all this but I made a big mistake when I cheated on my wife with another woman  and my wife left me for over 4 months after she found out..  I was lonely, sad and devastated. Luckily I was directed to a very powerful spell caster Dr Emu who helped me cast a spell of reconciliation on our Relationship and he brought back my wife and now she loves me far more than ever.. I'm so happy with life now. Thank you so much Dr Emu, kindly Contact  Dr Emu Today and get any kind of help you want.. Via Email emutemple@gmail.com or Call/WhatsApp cell number  +2347012841542 Website (https://emutemple.wordpress.com/) 15. märts 2021
Jack Geweldig handelsplatform, gemakkelijk te gebruiken en snel op te nemen met bitcoins, bankrekening, PayPal, skrill enz. Ik heb dit platform gebruikt in combinatie met de meest aanbevolen forexstrategie en binaire optiehandel op internet van Carlos Ellison en tot nu toe heb ik geen klachten en verdien ik wekelijks bijna $ 5000- $ 8000. Hij is echt geweldig, de beste in zijn vak en uniek onder andere, ik ben dankbaar en wil dat jullie allemaal meedoen aan zijn goede werken. Neem contact met hem op via whatsapp: +12166263236 E-mail: carlose78910@gmail.com 6. aprill 2021
scott james GENUINE BANK GUARANTEE (BG) AND STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT (SBLC) FOR BUY OR LEASE AT THE BEST AVAILABLE RATES Dear Sir/Ma, We offer certified and verifiable financial bank instruments via Swift Transmission from a genuine provider capable of taking up time bound transactions. FOR LEASING OF BG/SBLC MINIMUM FACE VALUE OF BG/SBLC = EUR/USD 1M LEASING FEE = 4%+2% FOR PURCHASE OF FRESH CUT BG/SBLC PRICE = 32%+2% MINIMUM FACE VALUE OF BG/SBLC = EUR/USD 1M Our BG/SBLC Financing can help you get your project funded, loan financing by providing you with yearly. RWA ready to close leasing with any interested client in few banking days I will be glad to share with you our working procedures. Name : Scott james Email : inquiry.securedfunding@gmail.com Skype : Inquiry.securedfunding@gmail.com 18. aprill 2021
Lending Tree GENUINE BANK GUARANTEE (BG) AND STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT (SBLC) FOR LEASE AT THE LOWEST RATES AVAILABLE. OTHER FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS SUCH AS MTN, CD, DLC, PB ARE ALSO AVAILABLE. I am direct to a provider who has recently issued banking instruments for a couple of my clients the provider is 100% check-able you can do your due diligence on them. I personally know the provider. Our instruments are only from triple 'a' rated banks and we issue from $1M to $5B . The provider is 100% verifiable. If you are genuinely seeking bank instruments. Contact me and i will furnish you with details. They deal with issuing of instruments such as Bank Guarantee and Standby letters of credit also Letters of credit. I only want serious buyers then i will put you in touch with the provider directly. - Bank Guarantee (BG) - Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) - Direct Line of Credit (DLC) - Medium Term Note (MTN) - Letter of Credit (LC) I will be glad to share with you our working procedures. Contact : Robert Bouffad Email: Lendingtreemoney@gmail.com Whatsapp: +447586540601 Postal address Swiss National Bank Börsenstrasse 15 P. O. Box CH-8022 Zurich BROKERS ARE WELCOME & 100% PROTECTED!!! 24. mai 2021
patiala legitimate Do you need Quick Loan to settle your bills and startup business? contact us now with your details to get a good Loan at a low rate of 2% per Annual Do you need Personal Finance? Business Cash Finance? Unsecured Finance Fast and Simple Finance? Quick Application Process? Finance. Services Rendered include, *Debt Consolidation Finance *Business Finance Services *Personal Finance services Help contact us for more information on how to get started: (Whats App) number: +919394133968 patialalegitimate515@gmail.com Mr Jeffery 5. juuni 2021
scott james GENUINE BANK GUARANTEE (BG) AND STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT (SBLC) FOR BUY OR LEASE AT THE BEST AVAILABLE RATES We offer certified and verifiable financial bank instruments via Swift Transmission from a genuine provider capable of taking up time bound transactions. FOR LEASING OF BG/SBLC MINIMUM FACE VALUE OF BG/SBLC = EUR/USD 1M LEASING FEE = 4%+2% FOR PURCHASE OF FRESH CUT BG/SBLC MINIMUM FACE VALUE OF BG/SBLC = EUR/USD 1M PRICE = 32%+2% Our BG/SBLC Financing can help you get your project funded, loan financing by providing you with yearly. RWA ready to close leasing with any interested client in few banking days I will be glad to share with you our working procedures. Name : scott james Email : inquiry.securedfunding@gmail.com Skype : inquiry.securedfunding@gmail.com 12. juuni 2021
Dr, Benjamin Owen AFFORDABLE/COMFORTABLE LOAN OFFER WITHOUT COST/STRESS CONTACT US VIA Call/Text +1(646)820-1981 WhatsApp: +19292227023 Email drbenjaminfinance@gmail.com Loan Company Website: https://capitalmanage-inc.com/ Do you find yourself in a bit of trouble with unpaid bills and don’t know which way to go or where to turn? What about finding a reputable Debt Consolidation firm that can assist you in reducing monthly installment so that you will have affordable repayment options as well as room to breathe when it comes to the end of the month and bills need to get paid? ®Capital Managements Inc™ is the solution to your financial misfortune. We offer all types of loan ranging from $5,000.00 to $533,000,000.00USD with a low interest rate of 2% and loan duration of 1 to 35 years to pay back the loan secure and unsecured. Our loans are well insured for maximum security is our priority, Our leading goal is to help you get the services you deserve, Our program is the quickest way to get what you need in a snap. Kindly reduce your payments to ease the strain on your monthly expenses by Contacting us on the following WhatsApp:+19292227023 Email drbenjaminfinance@gmail.com Loan Offer Alert For Everyone! Are you financially down and you need an urgent credit/financial assistance? Or are you in need of a loan to start-up/increase your business or buy your dream house. GET YOUR INSTANT LOAN APPROVAL 100% GUARANTEED TODAY NO MATTER YOUR CREDIT SCORE. drbenjaminfinance@gmail.com Capital Managements Inc Website: https://capitalmanage-inc.com/ 16. juuni 2021
Robert Bouffad Dear Sir/Madam, CORPORATE/PERSONAL LOAN OFFER Are you in need of a loan? At Eagleton Bank we grant loans to both corporate and private entities. Have you been trying to obtain a Loan from any of the Banks or Loan Companies and they have refused to grant you the Loan because of bad credit? We offer all types of non-recourse Loan and funding at a low interest Rate of 3% both long and short terms. We grant loan ranging from $10,000.00(Minimum) up to $20,000,000.00(Maximum). We like to grant loans in the following sectors: oil/Gas, banking, real estate, stock speculation and mining, transportation, health sector and tobacco, Communication Services, Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing, thus any sector. The terms are very flexible and interesting. Get that loan that will enable you finance a new car, buy that dream home, or even to start a small business. Our personal/ corporate loan allows you fixed repayments for the full loan term compounded at 3% interest rate per annum. Eagleton Bank Personal Loan covers for 24, 36, 48, 60, 120, 180 and 240 month period depending on your preference and affordability. kindly get in touch for further details and procedures. I will let you know what information is needed to obtain the proffered financing from Middle East or Europe to provide loan at any capacity for business Investment or joint ventures we are ready to release any amount to assist your business. Your financial freedom starts immediately today with an enquiry/reply email to inquire.urgentfunding@gmail.com Best regards, Mr. Lambert Ford. Eagleton Bank New York, United State 23. juuni 2021
scott james GENUINE BANK GUARANTEE (BG) AND STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT (SBLC) FOR BUY OR LEASE AT THE BEST AVAILABLE RATES We offer certified and verifiable financial bank instruments via Swift Transmission from a genuine provider capable of taking up time bound transactions. FOR LEASING OF BG/SBLC MINIMUM FACE VALUE OF BG/SBLC = EUR/USD 1M LEASING FEE = 4%+2% FOR PURCHASE OF FRESH CUT BG/SBLC MINIMUM FACE VALUE OF BG/SBLC = EUR/USD 1M PRICE = 32%+2% Our BG/SBLC Financing can help you get your project funded, loan financing by providing you with yearly. RWA ready to close leasing with any interested client in few banking days I will be glad to share with you our working procedures. Name : scott james Email : inquiry.securedfunding@gmail.com Skype : inquiry.securedfunding@gmail.com 3. juuli 2021
claudiascavinoti@gmail.com Do you need Quick Loan to settle your bills and startup business? contact us now with your details to get a good Loan at a low rate of 2% per Annual Do you need Personal Finance? Business Cash Finance? Unsecured Finance Fast and Simple Finance? Quick Application Process? Finance. Services Rendered include, *Debt Consolidation Finance *Business Finance Services *Personal Finance services Help contact us for more information on how to get started: claudiascavinoti@gmail.com 24. juuli 2021
claudiascavinoti@gmail.com Do you need Quick Loan to settle your bills and startup business? contact us now with your details to get a good Loan at a low rate of 2% per Annual Do you need Personal Finance? Business Cash Finance? Unsecured Finance Fast and Simple Finance? Quick Application Process? Finance. Services Rendered include, *Debt Consolidation Finance *Business Finance Services *Personal Finance services Help contact us for more information on how to get started: claudiascavinoti@gmail.com 24. juuli 2021
claudiascavinoti@gmail.com Do you need Quick Loan to settle your bills and startup business? contact us now with your details to get a good Loan at a low rate of 2% per Annual Do you need Personal Finance? Business Cash Finance? Unsecured Finance Fast and Simple Finance? Quick Application Process? Finance. Services Rendered include, *Debt Consolidation Finance *Business Finance Services *Personal Finance services Help contact us for more information on how to get started: claudiascavinoti@gmail.com 24. juuli 2021
claudiascavinoti@gmail.com Tervitused Olen eraisik, pangaaktsionär ja paljude ettevõtete direktor kohalik. Olen ema ärimaailmas. Mul on kapital väga tähtis. Samuti olete privaatne, aus ja hea moraaliga. Pärast meie intervjuud ühe minu finantsnõustajaga oleme otsustanud anda laene vahemikus 5000 kuni 10 000 000 eurot aidata eraisikuid, kellel paraku pole oma pankadega ligipääsu raskesti täidetavaid tingimusi. võtke kohe ühendust E-post; claudiascavinoti@gmail.com 24. juuli 2021
claudiascavinoti@gmail.com Tervitused Olen eraisik, pangaaktsionär ja paljude ettevõtete direktor kohalik. Olen ema ärimaailmas. Mul on kapital väga tähtis. Samuti olete privaatne, aus ja hea moraaliga. Pärast meie intervjuud ühe minu finantsnõustajaga oleme otsustanud anda laene vahemikus 5000 kuni 10 000 000 eurot aidata eraisikuid, kellel paraku pole oma pankadega ligipääsu raskesti täidetavaid tingimusi. võtke kohe ühendust E-post; claudiascavinoti@gmail.com 24. juuli 2021
claudiascavinoti@gmail.com Tervitused Olen eraisik, pangaaktsionär ja paljude ettevõtete direktor kohalik. Olen ema ärimaailmas. Mul on kapital väga tähtis. Samuti olete privaatne, aus ja hea moraaliga. Pärast meie intervjuud ühe minu finantsnõustajaga oleme otsustanud anda laene vahemikus 5000 kuni 10 000 000 eurot aidata eraisikuid, kellel paraku pole oma pankadega ligipääsu raskesti täidetavaid tingimusi. võtke kohe ühendust E-post; claudiascavinoti@gmail.com 24. juuli 2021
claudiascavinoti@gmail.com Tervitused Olen eraisik, pangaaktsionär ja paljude ettevõtete direktor kohalik. Olen ema ärimaailmas. Mul on kapital väga tähtis. Samuti olete privaatne, aus ja hea moraaliga. Pärast meie intervjuud ühe minu finantsnõustajaga oleme otsustanud anda laene vahemikus 5000 kuni 10 000 000 eurot aidata eraisikuid, kellel paraku pole oma pankadega ligipääsu raskesti täidetavaid tingimusi. võtke kohe ühendust E-post; claudiascavinoti@gmail.com 24. juuli 2021
claudiascavinoti@gmail.com Tervitused Olen eraisik, pangaaktsionär ja paljude ettevõtete direktor kohalik. Olen ema ärimaailmas. Mul on kapital väga tähtis. Samuti olete privaatne, aus ja hea moraaliga. Pärast meie intervjuud ühe minu finantsnõustajaga oleme otsustanud anda laene vahemikus 5000 kuni 10 000 000 eurot aidata eraisikuid, kellel paraku pole oma pankadega ligipääsu raskesti täidetavaid tingimusi. võtke kohe ühendust E-post; claudiascavinoti@gmail.com 24. juuli 2021
claudiascavinoti@gmail.com Tervitused Olen eraisik, pangaaktsionär ja paljude ettevõtete direktor kohalik. Olen ema ärimaailmas. Mul on kapital väga tähtis. Samuti olete privaatne, aus ja hea moraaliga. Pärast meie intervjuud ühe minu finantsnõustajaga oleme otsustanud anda laene vahemikus 5000 kuni 10 000 000 eurot aidata eraisikuid, kellel paraku pole oma pankadega ligipääsu raskesti täidetavaid tingimusi. võtke kohe ühendust E-post; claudiascavinoti@gmail.com 24. juuli 2021
claudiascavinoti@gmail.com Tervitused Olen eraisik, pangaaktsionär ja paljude ettevõtete direktor kohalik. Olen ema ärimaailmas. Mul on kapital väga tähtis. Samuti olete privaatne, aus ja hea moraaliga. Pärast meie intervjuud ühe minu finantsnõustajaga oleme otsustanud anda laene vahemikus 5000 kuni 10 000 000 eurot aidata eraisikuid, kellel paraku pole oma pankadega ligipääsu raskesti täidetavaid tingimusi. võtke kohe ühendust E-post; claudiascavinoti@gmail.com 24. juuli 2021
claudiascavinoti@gmail.com Tervitused Olen eraisik, pangaaktsionär ja paljude ettevõtete direktor kohalik. Olen ema ärimaailmas. Mul on kapital väga tähtis. Samuti olete privaatne, aus ja hea moraaliga. Pärast meie intervjuud ühe minu finantsnõustajaga oleme otsustanud anda laene vahemikus 5000 kuni 10 000 000 eurot aidata eraisikuid, kellel paraku pole oma pankadega ligipääsu raskesti täidetavaid tingimusi. võtke kohe ühendust E-post; claudiascavinoti@gmail.com 24. juuli 2021
claudiascavinoti@gmail.com Tervitused Olen eraisik, pangaaktsionär ja paljude ettevõtete direktor kohalik. Olen ema ärimaailmas. Mul on kapital väga tähtis. Samuti olete privaatne, aus ja hea moraaliga. Pärast meie intervjuud ühe minu finantsnõustajaga oleme otsustanud anda laene vahemikus 5000 kuni 10 000 000 eurot aidata eraisikuid, kellel paraku pole oma pankadega ligipääsu raskesti täidetavaid tingimusi. võtke kohe ühendust E-post; claudiascavinoti@gmail.com 24. juuli 2021
claudiascavinoti@gmail.com Tervitused Olen eraisik, pangaaktsionär ja paljude ettevõtete direktor kohalik. Olen ema ärimaailmas. Mul on kapital väga tähtis. Samuti olete privaatne, aus ja hea moraaliga. Pärast meie intervjuud ühe minu finantsnõustajaga oleme otsustanud anda laene vahemikus 5000 kuni 10 000 000 eurot aidata eraisikuid, kellel paraku pole oma pankadega ligipääsu raskesti täidetavaid tingimusi. võtke kohe ühendust E-post; claudiascavinoti@gmail.com 24. juuli 2021
claudiascavinoti@gmail.com Tervitused Olen eraisik, pangaaktsionär ja paljude ettevõtete direktor kohalik. Olen ema ärimaailmas. Mul on kapital väga tähtis. Samuti olete privaatne, aus ja hea moraaliga. Pärast meie intervjuud ühe minu finantsnõustajaga oleme otsustanud anda laene vahemikus 5000 kuni 10 000 000 eurot aidata eraisikuid, kellel paraku pole oma pankadega ligipääsu raskesti täidetavaid tingimusi. võtke kohe ühendust E-post; claudiascavinoti@gmail.com 24. juuli 2021
claudiascavinoti@gmail.com Tervitused Olen eraisik, pangaaktsionär ja paljude ettevõtete direktor kohalik. Olen ema ärimaailmas. Mul on kapital väga tähtis. Samuti olete privaatne, aus ja hea moraaliga. Pärast meie intervjuud ühe minu finantsnõustajaga oleme otsustanud anda laene vahemikus 5000 kuni 10 000 000 eurot aidata eraisikuid, kellel paraku pole oma pankadega ligipääsu raskesti täidetavaid tingimusi. võtke kohe ühendust E-post; claudiascavinoti@gmail.com 24. juuli 2021
claudiascavinoti@gmail.com Tervitused Olen eraisik, pangaaktsionär ja paljude ettevõtete direktor kohalik. Olen ema ärimaailmas. Mul on kapital väga tähtis. Samuti olete privaatne, aus ja hea moraaliga. Pärast meie intervjuud ühe minu finantsnõustajaga oleme otsustanud anda laene vahemikus 5000 kuni 10 000 000 eurot aidata eraisikuid, kellel paraku pole oma pankadega ligipääsu raskesti täidetavaid tingimusi. võtke kohe ühendust E-post; claudiascavinoti@gmail.com 29. juuli 2021
Martin O'brian Hello everyone, I have lost money to so many companies that have claimed to be real lenders, but all my efforts have been in vain, I have lost more than 3500 euros to fake lenders to whom claim to be what they are not. Until my friend introduced me to the right lender I contacted and I successfully obtained a loan from them in just 48 hours, I would recommend anyone looking for a loan without fear to contact them by email:lapofunding960@gmail.com Whatsapp +447883183014 25. august 2021
McCarthy Juan TESTIMONY ON HOW I GOT MY LOAN FROM A FINANCE COMPANY LAST WEEK Email for immediate response: drbenjaminfinance@gmail.com {Dr.Benjamin Scarlet Owen} can also help you with a legit loan offer. He Has also helped some other colleagues of mine. If you need a genuine loan without cost/stress he his the right loan lender to wipe away your financial problems and crisis today. BENJAMIN LOAN FINANCE holds all of the information about how to obtain money quickly and painlessly via WhatsApp +19292227023 Email drbenjaminfinance@gmail.com 10. september 2021
HUMMELS Tere, Kas vajate oma finantsvajaduste rahuldamiseks erakorralist laenu? Pakume laene vahemikus 2 000,00 kuni 100 000 000,00, oleme usaldusväärsed, võimsad, kiired ja dünaamilised, ilma krediidikontrollita ning pakume selle ülekande ajal välislaenudele 100% garantiid. Samuti andsime laenu kogu valuutas 2% intressiga kõikide laenude eest ja ilma ettemakseta .... Kui olete huvitatud, võtke meiega ühendust selle meili kaudu. Palun võtke meiega ühendust, kui olete sellest huvitatud: {jameskelvine28@gmail.com} ja olete täielikult rahul. 26. september 2021
McCarthy Juan TESTIMONY ON HOW I GOT MY LOAN AMOUNT FROM A RELIABLE AND TRUSTED LOAN COMPANY LAST WEEK. Email for immediate response drbenjaminfinance@gmail.com Hello everyone, My name is Mrs. Carolin Glowski, I'm from Europe, am here to testify of how i got my loan from BENJAMIN LOAN FINANCE after i applied Two times from various loan lenders who claimed to be lenders right here this forum, i thought their lending where real and i applied but they never gave me loan until a friend of mine introduce me to {Dr. Benjamin Scarlet Owen} the C.E.O of BENJAMIN LOAN FINANCE who promised to help me with a loan of my desire and he really did as he promised without any form of delay, I never thought there are still reliable loan lenders until i met {Dr. Benjamin Scarlet Owen}, who really helped me with my loan and changed my life for the better. I don't know if you are in need of an urgent loan also, So feel free to contact Dr. Benjamin Scarlet Owen on his email address drbenjaminfinance@gmail.com THANKS 10. detsember 2021
Novelty Dmv Experts Fake Driving Licence UK Welcome to Novelty DMV Experts Best Producers of High Undetected Drivers License . We produce two types of documents qualities. 
We have the Real registered Fake birth Drivers License and good quality Fake Driver License will be verify from any other country with no problems involved, meanwhile with the camouflage quality Fake drivers License , non of your biometric details will be under the government system, but it can not be detected as fake with naked eyes, except with the use of machines. Visit our website on noveltydmvexperts.com you can contact us via Whatsapp +15672460706 or Wickr ..... Octapustickets for fast response on how it works with your desired type. Thanks and waiting to Hear from you soonense for USA , UK , Canada which is unregistered. How To Get A Fake Drivers License That Works From The DMV . Fake drivers license nsw , How to spot a fake id Australia .With the Drivers License , all your biometric details as given from birth or any of your choice will be registered under the DMV or DVLA database system 30. detsember 2021
Proua Stefanie Wilhelm Sõbrapäeva lähenemisest mäletan, kuidas see oli viimased 2 aastat, siis me polnud abiellunud, siis olime veel suhtes, ta läks minust lahku jaanuaris 2020, et olla koos teise daamiga, ma armastasin teda kogu oma elu, 2021. aastal leidsin tunnistuse, kuidas dr Sacre aitab mehel endise naise tagasi tuua, võtsin ühendust dr Sacrega, ta annab mulle parimat suhtenõu ja loitsu ka minu jaoks, mis oli 3. veebruaril 2021 24 tunni jooksul, mil ta oli tagasi. , oleme täna õnnelikus abielus oma ilusa pojaga, proovige võidelda nende tagasisaamise nimel, kui te neid armastate, kas mõnikord pole viga, võtke abi saamiseks ühendust dr Sacre'iga WhatsApp +2349076034359 või meiliaadress sacretempleofpower@gmail.com, ma kinnitan teile, et temast saab mees või naine, kellest sa iga päev unistad Proua Stefanie Wilhelm 23. jaanuar 2022
Heather Walter GET RICH WITH BLANK ATM CARD ... Whatsapp: +18033921735 I want to testify about Dark Web blank atm cards which can withdraw money from any atm machines around the world. I was very poor before and have no job. I saw so many testimony about how Dark Web Cyber hackers send them the atm blank card and use it to collect money in any atm machine and become rich.(dwchzone@gmail.com) I email them also and they sent me the blank atm card. I have use it to get 250,000 dollars. withdraw the maximum of 5,000 USD daily. Dark Web is giving out the card just to help the poor. Hack and take money directly from any atm machine vault with the use of atm programmed card which runs in automatic mode. You can also contact them for the service below * Western Union/MoneyGram Transfer Hack * Bank Transfer Hack * PayPal / Skrill Transfer Hack * Crypto Mining Hack * CashApp Transfer Hack Email: dwchzone@gmail.com Text & Call or WhatsApp: +18033921735 Visit: https://darkwebcycberhackers.com 3. mai 2022
MIKE MORGAN LOAN FINANCIER Do you need a quick long or short term Loan with a relatively low interest rate as low as 3%? We offer business Loan, personal Loan, home Loan, auto Loan, student Loan, debt consolidation Loan etc.. no matter your credit score. Personal Loans (Secure and Unsecured) Business Loans (Secure and Unsecured) Consolidation Loan and many more. Contact US for more information about Loan offer and we will solve your financial problem. contact us via email: muthooth.finance@gmail.com Phone number: +917428831341 (Call/What's app) 3. mai 2022
Wagner Clerk Kuidas ma Christy Walton Finance'ilt laenu sain, olen sattunud petuskeemide kätte, kuni kohtun selle ustava laenuandjaga, kes andis mulle 50 000 euro suuruse laenu, ja nüüd usun, et on veel tõelisi veebilaenuandjaid, siin on meil (christywalton355@ gmail.com) laenuandja kohta, kui vajate rahalist abi, võite temaga abi saamiseks ühendust võtta: christywalton355@gmail.com 14. mai 2022
Blessed Ryan Are you looking for a profitable investment where you can start with a little amount and earn a reasonable profit within a short period of time?. I never believed in any online investment because I was scared and never wanted to be cheated, until I saw a review about Mr Pablo Martinez. He's a Forex/Crypto trading account manager who can help you manage your trading account with his trading strategies and winning signals. I started with an investment of $500 and earned a profit of $6,650 within 7 days. I now earn quite a lot on a weekly basis and I owe everything to Mr Pablo Martinez. Thank you Mr Pablo Martinez for turning my financial life around, and I will keep recommending your good works. If you want to invest in Stock, Binary options and Forex/Crypto trading, kindly contact Mr Pablo Martinez and you'll be glad you did. There are no hidden charges. Contact Mr Pablo Martinez through E-mail: pm7234029@gmail.com WhatsApp: +44 7520 636249 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PM-Fast-Trade-104912912155335/ 25. mai 2022
raeem tom My husband was once loving and caring but to a point he stopped and totally forsake me, he wasn’t having time for me because he was having an affair, i was so devastated that i didn’t know what to do. I did love him so much, even when he was still not caring and was cheating i couldn’t leave cause i still loved him, i sorted for help from every where i could to have my husband back, i luckily found Dr Abaka who was helping people out on relationship and marriage issues. I went on and contacted him, i explained what i was going through in my marriage, then he assured me that he would help me, i did all that he instructed me to do and then he told me that my husband would return to me after some days, i waited patiently and after some days passed my husband came home one evening and started apologizing to me to forgive him for how he had been treating me, i was so surprised beyond words that i can’t thank him enough. you can reach him on email via drabakaspelltemple@gmail.com or Whats-app +(1) 484_820_1518. 3. juuni 2022
raeem tom My husband was once loving and caring but to a point he stopped and totally forsake me, he wasn’t having time for me because he was having an affair, i was so devastated that i didn’t know what to do. I did love him so much, even when he was still not caring and was cheating i couldn’t leave cause i still loved him, i sorted for help from every where i could to have my husband back, i luckily found Dr Abaka who was helping people out on relationship and marriage issues. I went on and contacted him, i explained what i was going through in my marriage, then he assured me that he would help me, i did all that he instructed me to do and then he told me that my husband would return to me after some days, i waited patiently and after some days passed my husband came home one evening and started apologizing to me to forgive him for how he had been treating me, i was so surprised beyond words that i can’t thank him enough. you can reach him on email via drabakaspelltemple@gmail.com or Whats-app +(1) 484_820_1518. 3. juuni 2022
SCOTT WYCOFF Hi, did you know there are spells to win love back from an ex. I have done it. I love reading about relationships and how to make them work, how to better the relationship, and how to keep the spark alive, even how to talk to them a certain way to get them to think a different way about the situation and you. If you need advice or want to win your ex back, try DR EMU copy and message on the following ( Email: emutemple@gmail.com ) or ( WhatsApp: +2347012841542 ) It will change your mentality and get you what you want. Facebook page Https://web.facebook.com/Emu-Temple- 104891335203341 16. juuni 2022
Din This is awesome information. It's an information one cannot forget in a hurry. I like the fact that you were very explicit and straightforward. It is attractive and clear to read. I will be happy to get feedback for more information so that I can be informed with many other writeups. ON HOW TO GET TORTOISE LIKE ALDABRA, SULCATA. BURMESE STAR AND RADIATED TORTOISE which many are not yet informed of the new and easiest way to get TORTOISE through this method and their advantages at home. Thank you for letting me express my joy on your blog. 26. juuni 2022
Elizabeth Addison GET RICH WITH BLANK ATM CARD ... Whatsapp: +18033921735 I want to testify about Dark Web blank atm cards which can withdraw money from any atm machines around the world. I was very poor before and have no job. I saw so many testimony about how Dark Web Cyber hackers send them the atm blank card and use it to collect money in any atm machine and become rich.(DWCHZONE@GMAIL.COM) I email them also and they sent me the blank atm card. I have use it to get 250,000 dollars. withdraw the maximum of 5,000 USD daily. Dark Web is giving out the card just to help the poor. Hack and take money directly from any atm machine vault with the use of atm programmed card which runs in automatic mode. You can also contact them for the service below * Western Union/MoneyGram Transfer * Bank Transfer * PayPal / Skrill Transfer * Crypto Mining * CashApp Transfer Email: dwchzone@gmail.com Text & Call or WhatsApp: +18033921735 WEBSITE: https://darkwebcycberhackers.com 4. juuli 2022
1 555 16. juuli 2022
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1 555 16. juuli 2022
FRED MOORE Hallo Heeft u een dringende lening nodig om uw financiële behoeften op te lossen? We bieden leningen variërend van € 5.000,00 tot € 50.000.000,00. We zijn betrouwbaar, sterk, snel en dynamisch, geen kredietcontrole en bieden 100% buitenlandse leninggaranties tijdens de overdrachtsperiode. We hebben ook elke valutalening uitgegeven met 3% rente voor alle leningen. Als u geïnteresseerd bent, neem dan contact met ons op via deze e-mail: fredmorefinance@gmail.com https://wa.me/message/XCNLHKM3AMNGB1 WhatsApp: +919654763221 20. juuli 2022
BLANK ATM CARD, Whatsapp: +18033921735 GET RICH WITH BLANK ATM CARD, Whatsapp: +18033921735 I want to testify about Dark Web blank atm cards which can withdraw money from any atm machines around the world. I was very poor before and have no job. I saw so many testimony about how Dark Web Cyber hackers send them the atm blank card and use it to collect money in any atm machine and become rich. {DARKWEBONLINEHACKERS@GMAIL.COM} I email them also and they sent me the blank atm card. I have use it to get 500,000 dollars. withdraw the maximum of 5,000 USD daily. Dark Web is giving out the card just to help the poor. Hack and take money directly from any atm machine vault with the use of atm programmed card which runs in automatic mode. You can also contact them for the service below * Western Union/MoneyGram Transfer * Bank Transfer * PayPal / Skrill Transfer * Crypto Mining * CashApp Transfer * Bitcoin Loans * Recover Stolen/Missing Crypto/Funds/Assets Email: darkwebonlinehackers@gmail.com Text & Call or WhatsApp: +18033921735 WEBSITE: https://darkwebonlinehackers.com 9. oktoober 2022
Kate I just recovered my lost funds, wow I can’t explain how existed I am right now. It happened last month, I invested $670k with Bitcoin Bonus. First it was going well on till i tried making a withdraw, I wasn’t able to withdraw from my own wallet but I can see how fast my profit is growing everyday, it really surprised me. All my plans was to use they money and profits to get a new car for Christmas. (wzardgarryspeedhack@gmail.com) was my savior last month. I saw affordable reviews how he helped people to recover their lost funds and also gives business loans. True him, I was able to get all my lost funds from those scammers. I must confess that this company is highly recommended. To get in contact with them you can Whatsapp +1 928 534 9618 or wzardgarryspeedhack@gmail.com website:https://wzardgarryspeedhac.wixsite.com/my-site-1 3. detsember 2022
BLANK ATM CARD GET RICH WITH BLANK ATM CARD ... Whatsapp: +18033921735 I want to testify about Dark Web blank atm cards which can withdraw money from any atm machines around the world. I was very poor before and have no job. I saw so many testimony about how Dark Web Cyber hackers send them the atm blank card and use it to collect money in any atm machine and become rich.{DARKWEBONLINEHACKERS@GMAIL.COM} I email them also and they sent me the blank atm card. I have use it to get 500,000 dollars. withdraw the maximum of 5,000 USD daily. Dark Web is giving out the card just to help the poor. Hack and take money directly from any atm machine vault with the use of atm programmed card which runs in automatic mode. You can also contact them for the service below * Western Union/MoneyGram Transfer * Bank Transfer * PayPal / Skrill Transfer * Crypto Mining * CashApp Transfer * Bitcoin Loans * Recover Stolen/Missing Crypto/Funds/Assets Email: darkwebonlinehackers@gmail.com Text & Call or WhatsApp: +18033921735 Website: https://darkwebonlinehackers.com 7. detsember 2022
Delaney M Josef HAZTE RICO CON LA TARJETA DE CAJERO AUTOMÁTICO EN BLANCO, Whatsapp: +18033921735 Quiero testificar sobre las tarjetas de cajero automático en blanco de Dark Web que pueden retirar dinero de cualquier cajero automático en todo el mundo. Yo era muy pobre antes y no tengo trabajo. Vi tantos testimonios sobre cómo los piratas informáticos de Dark Web les envían la tarjeta en blanco del cajero automático y la usan para recolectar dinero en cualquier cajero automático y hacerse ricos. {DARKWEBONLINEHACKERS@GMAIL.COM} También les envié un correo electrónico y me enviaron la tarjeta de cajero automático en blanco. Lo he usado para conseguir 500.000 dólares. retirar el máximo de 5.000 USD diarios. Dark Web está entregando la tarjeta solo para ayudar a los pobres. Hackea y toma dinero directamente de cualquier bóveda de cajero automático con el uso de una tarjeta programada de cajero automático que se ejecuta en modo automático. También puede contactarlos para el servicio a continuación. * Transferencia Western Union/MoneyGram * Transferencia bancaria * Transferencia PayPal / Skrill * Criptominería * Transferencia CashApp * Préstamos de Bitcoin * Recuperar criptografía/fondos/activos robados/perdidos Correo electrónico: darkwebonlinehackers@gmail.com Texto y llamada o WhatsApp: +18033921735 Sitio web: https://darkwebonlinehackers.com 24. jaanuar 2023
Lerynne West Ik ben zo opgewonden om mijn man terug te krijgen nadat dr. Ayoola me heeft geholpen mijn man heeft het uitgemaakt en vertelde me dat het voorbij is tussen ons Ik huil helemaal niets hielp ik besloot hulp te zoeken door alle boeken te lezen over terugbrengen je ex terug is er niets gebeurd dan ga ik online op zoek naar oplossingen om mijn man zelf terug te krijgen Ik zag zoveel getuigenissen online over Dr. Ayoola over hoe hij zoveel mensen heeft geholpen om hun verbroken huwelijk en relaties te herstellen en zag ook enkele mensen getuigen over hoe deze zelfde man hen hielp om een loterij te winnen. Ik was geïnteresseerd en ik neem contact met hem op om me te helpen mijn man terug te krijgen. vandaag ben ik blij de hele wereld te kunnen vertellen dat mijn man weer bij me is en dat we gelukkig samenleven, allemaal dankzij jou Dr. Ayoola voor goed werk, neem contact met hem op als je geïnteresseerd bent om je geliefde terug te krijgen of als je een loterij wilt winnen neem contact op met dr. Ayoola via e-mail drayoolasolutionhome@gmail.com of https://www.facebook.com/Dr-Ayoola-105640401516053/ sms of bel en WhatsApp +14809032128 19. märts 2023
Richard Chadwick Are you an individual businessman or a business organisation that wishes to expand in business ??, we offer financial instrument such as BGs, SBLCs,MTNs, LCs, CDs and others on lease and sales at a rate of 4%+2% of the face value and reasonable condition from a genuine provider. You are at liberty to engage our leased facilities into trade programs as well as in signatory project(s) such as Aviation, Agriculture, Petroleum, Telecommunication and any other project(s) etc. Contact : Mr. Richard Chadwich Contact Email: ribellodasilver01.finance@gmail.com Whatsapp # : +380 50 591 6795 With our financial/bank instrument you can establish line of credit with your bank and/or secure loan for your projects in which our bank instrument will serve collateral in your bank to fund your project. We deliver with time and precision as set forth in the agreement. Our terms and Conditions are reasonable and we work directly with issuing bank lease providers, this instrument can be monetized on your behalf for upto 100% funding. Intermediaries/Consultants/Brokers are welcome to bring their clients and are 100% protected. In complete confidence, we will work together for the benefits of all parties involved. All relevant business information will be provided upon request. BROKERS ARE WELCOME & 100% PROTECTED!!! If Interested kindly contact me via Email:~ ribellodasilver01.finance@gmail.com serious enquiry only. 10. mai 2023
Beatrice It’s hurt when husband told you “I don’t need you in my life anymore.” My husband left me for another woman 3 months ago and ever since then my life have been filled with pains sorrow and heart break because he was my first love whom i have spent my entire life with. A friend of mine told me he saw some testimonies of a spell caster called Priest Salami that he can bring back lovers within some few days, i laugh it out and said i am not interested but because of the love my friend had for me, she consulted the great spell caster on my behalf and to my greatest surprise after 2 days my husband called me for the very first time after three months that he is missing me and that he is so sorry for every thing he made me went through. He came back to me and now we are happy together. I still can’t believe it, because it highly unbelievable. Thank you Priest Salami for bringing back my husband and also to my lovely friend who interceded on my behalf, for any one who might need the help of this great spell caster Here his contact. WhatsApp him at: +2348143757229 , Email him at: purenaturalhealer@gmail.com 5. juuni 2023
Victoria Enzo Ik ben gewoon boos dat ik zo vaak ben opgelicht. Bedankt dokter Ilekhojie, ik wenste dat ik u eerder had gevonden, het zou me veel pijn en geld hebben bespaard. Ik heb veel spreuken, witte magie en energiegenezers geprobeerd. Ik heb het geprobeerd en geen van hen werkte. Ze beloofden me de maan en dat ik mijn ex-man terug zou krijgen, omdat de zaken ingewikkeld waren en mijn man is verhuisd. Ik heb genoeg geld uitgegeven om mijn droomreis naar Zuid-Amerika te maken, maar wat heeft het voor zin om een droomreis te maken zonder de liefde van mijn leven. Dr. Ilekhojie heeft mij hoop gegeven en zijn eerlijkheid is een verademing. Nu ben ik weer samen met mijn man en vader van mijn kinderen en alles gaat vlot. Bedankt voor uw hulp Dr. Bel/Whats-app: +2348147400259 of e-mail: gethelp05@gmail.com 30. august 2023
loan Offer I am a private money lender that give out fast cash interest rate of 2% no collateral required. all cash amounts and currencies, if interested TO started no matter your location http://sumitilendinghome.in (WhatsApp) number +918131026914 sumitihomelend@gmail.com Mr. Damian Sumiti 12. oktoober 2023
HOW TO GET A QUICK AND AFFORDABLE LOAN GOOD DAY MY CROATIAN PEOPLE MY INQUIRY ON HOW TO GET A LOAN TO BUY A HOUSE FROM REAL ESTATE STARTED WITH A CALL, I CALLED DAVIDSON ALBERT LOAN COMPANY, TODAY I AM VERY HAPPY AND GOD BLESS DAVIDSON ALBERT CONTACT EMAIL: {davidsonalbertloan@gmail.com} My name is Marijana, I am from CROATIA, for the last five months I have been looking for the right loan company to get a loan from so that i can buy the house I desired for. On the long run there were a bunch of scams that made me believe them and at the end of the day, they took my money without giving me anything in return not even 1 euro to my name, I lost all hope, I was confused and frustrated i never wanted anything to do with online loan companies so i went to borrow money from a friend i told everything that happened and she said she can help me locate a loan company that can give me any amount of loan i need and with a very low interest rate of 3%, She also told me that she just got a loan from them, she instructed me on how to apply for a loan just like she told me, I applied with them Via Email: (davidsonalbertloan@gmail.com), I never believed , but I tried, and to my biggest surprise I got a loan within 24 hours, I couldn't believe it, I am happy and rich again and I thank God that such loan companies like this still exist on these scams everywhere, please advise everyone who need to borrow a loan by email (davidsonalbertloan@gmail.com). He will never let you down and your life will change like mine. Quickly contact (davidsonalbertloan@gmail.com) today and get your loan from them. Be sure to contact DAVIDSON ALBERT LOAN COMPANY for your loan, because I successfully got my loan from this company without any stress. Visit their email. (davidsonalbertloan@gmail.com) 25. oktoober 2023
Maria Hallo daar, als nieuwkomer in de handel in crypto-valuta heb ik veel geld verloren toen ik in mijn eentje door de markt probeerde te navigeren. In mijn zoektocht naar een echte en vertrouwde handelaar kwam ik Carlos Ellison tegen die mij begeleidde en hielp zoveel winst te maken tot een bedrag van €40.000. Ik deed mijn eerste investering met € 1.000 en behaalde in minder dan 8 dagen een ROI van € 9.400. U kunt contact opnemen met deze deskundige handelaar via e-mail carlose78910@gmail.com of via Telegram: +12166263236 en klaar zijn om uw eigen getuigenis te delen 14. aprill 2024
Evelyn Martinez GET RICH WITH BLANK ATM CARD, Whatsapp: +18033921735 I want to testify about Dark Web blank atm cards which can withdraw money from any atm machines around the world. I was very poor before and have no job. I saw so many testimony about how Dark Web Online Hackers send them the atm blank card and use it to collect money in any atm machine and become rich {DARKWEBONLINEHACKERS@GMAIL.COM} I email them also and they sent me the blank atm card. I have use it to get 500,000 dollars. withdraw the maximum of 5,000 USD daily. Dark Web is giving out the card just to help the poor. Hack and take money directly from any atm machine vault with the use of atm programmed card which runs in automatic mode. You can also contact them for the service below * Western Union/MoneyGram Transfer * Bank Transfer * PayPal / Skrill Transfer * Crypto Mining * CashApp Transfer * Bitcoin Loans * Recover Stolen/Missing Crypto/Funds/Assets Email: darkwebonlinehackers@gmail.com Email: info@darkwebonlinehackers.com Telegram or WhatsApp: +18033921735 Website: https://darkwebonlinehackers.com 14. mai 2024
Evelyn Martinez GET RICH WITH BLANK ATM CARD, Whatsapp: +18033921735 I want to testify about Dark Web blank atm cards which can withdraw money from any atm machines around the world. I was very poor before and have no job. I saw so many testimony about how Dark Web Online Hackers send them the atm blank card and use it to collect money in any atm machine and become rich {DARKWEBONLINEHACKERS@GMAIL.COM} I email them also and they sent me the blank atm card. I have use it to get 500,000 dollars. withdraw the maximum of 5,000 USD daily. Dark Web is giving out the card just to help the poor. Hack and take money directly from any atm machine vault with the use of atm programmed card which runs in automatic mode. You can also contact them for the service below * Western Union/MoneyGram Transfer * Bank Transfer * PayPal / Skrill Transfer * Crypto Mining * CashApp Transfer * Bitcoin Loans * Recover Stolen/Missing Crypto/Funds/Assets Email: darkwebonlinehackers@gmail.com Email: info@darkwebonlinehackers.com Telegram or WhatsApp: +18033921735 Website: https://darkwebonlinehackers.com 14. mai 2024
Evelyn Martinez GET RICH WITH BLANK ATM CARD, Whatsapp: +18033921735 I want to testify about Dark Web blank atm cards which can withdraw money from any atm machines around the world. I was very poor before and have no job. I saw so many testimony about how Dark Web Online Hackers send them the atm blank card and use it to collect money in any atm machine and become rich {DARKWEBONLINEHACKERS@GMAIL.COM} I email them also and they sent me the blank atm card. I have use it to get 500,000 dollars. withdraw the maximum of 5,000 USD daily. Dark Web is giving out the card just to help the poor. Hack and take money directly from any atm machine vault with the use of atm programmed card which runs in automatic mode. You can also contact them for the service below * Western Union/MoneyGram Transfer * Bank Transfer * PayPal / Skrill Transfer * Crypto Mining * CashApp Transfer * Bitcoin Loans * Recover Stolen/Missing Crypto/Funds/Assets Email: darkwebonlinehackers@gmail.com Email: info@darkwebonlinehackers.com Telegram or WhatsApp: +18033921735 Website: https://darkwebonlinehackers.com 14. mai 2024
Evelyn Martinez GET RICH WITH BLANK ATM CARD, Whatsapp: +18033921735 I want to testify about Dark Web blank atm cards which can withdraw money from any atm machines around the world. I was very poor before and have no job. I saw so many testimony about how Dark Web Online Hackers send them the atm blank card and use it to collect money in any atm machine and become rich {DARKWEBONLINEHACKERS@GMAIL.COM} I email them also and they sent me the blank atm card. I have use it to get 500,000 dollars. withdraw the maximum of 5,000 USD daily. Dark Web is giving out the card just to help the poor. Hack and take money directly from any atm machine vault with the use of atm programmed card which runs in automatic mode. You can also contact them for the service below * Western Union/MoneyGram Transfer * Bank Transfer * PayPal / Skrill Transfer * Crypto Mining * CashApp Transfer * Bitcoin Loans * Recover Stolen/Missing Crypto/Funds/Assets Email: darkwebonlinehackers@gmail.com Email: info@darkwebonlinehackers.com Telegram or WhatsApp: +18033921735 Website: https://darkwebonlinehackers.com 14. mai 2024
Evelyn Martinez GET RICH WITH BLANK ATM CARD, Whatsapp: +18033921735 I want to testify about Dark Web blank atm cards which can withdraw money from any atm machines around the world. I was very poor before and have no job. I saw so many testimony about how Dark Web Online Hackers send them the atm blank card and use it to collect money in any atm machine and become rich {DARKWEBONLINEHACKERS@GMAIL.COM} I email them also and they sent me the blank atm card. I have use it to get 500,000 dollars. withdraw the maximum of 5,000 USD daily. Dark Web is giving out the card just to help the poor. Hack and take money directly from any atm machine vault with the use of atm programmed card which runs in automatic mode. You can also contact them for the service below * Western Union/MoneyGram Transfer * Bank Transfer * PayPal / Skrill Transfer * Crypto Mining * CashApp Transfer * Bitcoin Loans * Recover Stolen/Missing Crypto/Funds/Assets Email: darkwebonlinehackers@gmail.com Email: info@darkwebonlinehackers.com Telegram or WhatsApp: +18033921735 Website: https://darkwebonlinehackers.com 14. mai 2024
Evelyn Martinez GET RICH WITH BLANK ATM CARD, Whatsapp: +18033921735 I want to testify about Dark Web blank atm cards which can withdraw money from any atm machines around the world. I was very poor before and have no job. I saw so many testimony about how Dark Web Online Hackers send them the atm blank card and use it to collect money in any atm machine and become rich {DARKWEBONLINEHACKERS@GMAIL.COM} I email them also and they sent me the blank atm card. I have use it to get 500,000 dollars. withdraw the maximum of 5,000 USD daily. Dark Web is giving out the card just to help the poor. Hack and take money directly from any atm machine vault with the use of atm programmed card which runs in automatic mode. You can also contact them for the service below * Western Union/MoneyGram Transfer * Bank Transfer * PayPal / Skrill Transfer * Crypto Mining * CashApp Transfer * Bitcoin Loans * Recover Stolen/Missing Crypto/Funds/Assets Email: darkwebonlinehackers@gmail.com Email: info@darkwebonlinehackers.com Telegram or WhatsApp: +18033921735 Website: https://darkwebonlinehackers.com 14. mai 2024
Evelyn Martinez GET RICH WITH BLANK ATM CARD, Whatsapp: +18033921735 I want to testify about Dark Web blank atm cards which can withdraw money from any atm machines around the world. I was very poor before and have no job. I saw so many testimony about how Dark Web Online Hackers send them the atm blank card and use it to collect money in any atm machine and become rich {DARKWEBONLINEHACKERS@GMAIL.COM} I email them also and they sent me the blank atm card. I have use it to get 500,000 dollars. withdraw the maximum of 5,000 USD daily. Dark Web is giving out the card just to help the poor. Hack and take money directly from any atm machine vault with the use of atm programmed card which runs in automatic mode. You can also contact them for the service below * Western Union/MoneyGram Transfer * Bank Transfer * PayPal / Skrill Transfer * Crypto Mining * CashApp Transfer * Bitcoin Loans * Recover Stolen/Missing Crypto/Funds/Assets Email: darkwebonlinehackers@gmail.com Email: info@darkwebonlinehackers.com Telegram or WhatsApp: +18033921735 Website: https://darkwebonlinehackers.com 14. mai 2024
Dékány Anname laenu, et aidata inimesi, ettevõtteid, kes peavad oma finantsseisundit uuendama üle kogu maailma, väga minimaalsed aastased intressimäärad kuni 2% aasta jooksul - 30 aastat tagasimakset futamido mis tahes maailma osas. Anname laenu vahemikus €2 000 – € 500 000 000. Laenud on hästi tagatud ja kõige tähtsam on maksimaalne tagatis. Huvilisel palume meiega ühendust võtta e-posti teel: (dakany.endre@gmail.com) Laenupakkumine. 21. oktoober 2024
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